Team Tami

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Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012

Hi everyone,

Just a few updates...Tami went to Tyler Smith's funeral today and said it was just wonderful and Becky did a great and touching job speaking...(To those who don't know, Tyler was an earlier recipient for AFAF and Becky was close to that family)
His mom wrote a message about Tender Mercies on Tyler's blog.

Anyway, Tami went to Dr. Wisenot (Spelling?) her cancer Dr. today and he said she has caused quite an undercurrent in the insurance and hipec surgery industry here in Utah.  Dr. Lambert has spoken with him several times and they are working together to get Utah to see the importance of this surgery.  He told Tami today to wait one more week because Utah is still working all this out.  He told her that Utah is one of the lowest cost medical expense states because they make sure that new surgeries are not done merely so the Dr. can make money and they check closely for fraud.....for that reason,....he told her to wait one more week.  He told her that he had been asked to write another letter to the state.  So Tami may not get her surgery until June but we hope all is for good reason.

We hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day and spend time with those you love.



  1. Thanks for keeping us updated! If anyone can get something done, it's Tami.

  2. Oops. I don't know how I was signed in as "Judy". LOL...
