Team Tami

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Friday, August 31, 2012

One more surgical day

Hello again,

  It's been a crazy day today. We did'nt have an appointment today for Tamis procedure, so I had to keep calling to check with the hospital,and when they finally did have us come in, they wanted us now. Well I think everyone knows Tami well enough, to know that isn't going to happen. Tami was still in bed and moving very slow, so the nurses "now" turned into an hour. They didn't turn us away so all
is well.
  After the doctor came into talk with us and all the questions were being ask, we learned that this small procedure was going to be a lot bigger than we thought. Tami started reading the scriptures when she knew she had to wait a while, she said it gives her comfort. Doctor Lambert had one of the elders that worked at the hospital come to Tamis room and give her a blessing, I could tell she was a lot more relaxed after he left. We waited almost two hours in the prep room, and Tami knew all the doctors
and nurses names before she went in for her surgery. One of the nurses talked about her travels around the world, all centered around snow skiing. She had been to Utah a few times, and agreed with Tami that the snow in Utah cant be beat.
They took Tami in at 1:30 and didn't finish until 5:00. They had a few set backs, but the surgery went well. We were able to come back to the lodge tonight, but Tami was in a lot of pain so we stayed until 10:00 just so we could get a handle on it. We both feel like this surgery will be the one that will fix it all. A little time, and a lot more food to fatten her up, and I think we will have our Tami back home. Well its time to rest, its been a long day. Thanks again everyone for all your prayers.

Love Lana and Tami

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Another Day Closer To Home

Hello everyone,
  Up at 6:00 to get to our doctor appointment,Tami does'nt do well that early in
the morning, but we did'nt have a choice. Doctor Blute and Doctor Lambert was in the
office together deciding what would be the best thing to do to help Tami in her recovery,
since nothing else seems to be working. The bladder needs a complete recovery, and the
only way to do that is to drain the kidneys before it can reach it. Tomarrow they plan
on inserting drain tubes into her kidneys, and they said she could heal within a couple of weeks
if she kept eating well. They even mentioned a few weeks at home might do her good , if she felt
good enough. The procedure isn't suppose to be anything major, so they dont plan on keeping
her in the hospital. I think shes seen enough of the hospital for a while.
  This afternoon Tami and I listened to some of the songs she would like to have played at
her big event on the 8th (anything for a friend) She knows her music and wants to share it with everyone.
We hope she will be able to be there, but if she cant, well be able to have her there  through her music.
  Tami was in heaven tonight, we got creative with the wok, and made a fry daddy out of it.
Hello French fries!!!  took a walk this afternoon and relaxed the rest of the night. We ate until as
late as we could, because she cant have anything after midnight. They tell her to eat everything in
sight and they tell her to stop eating I wish they would make up their mind.....
  Well another day gone and another day closer to home.

Have a good night everyone,

Love Tami and Lana

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Feel Better Day

hello again,

  Today has been pretty uneventful, the only time we left the lodge was to pick up perscriptions and to stop at wendys on the way back. The good news is that Tami has ate more today, and when your weight is below 90 pounds, that is a good thing. she seems alot more energetic today and she feels alot better, lets hope she stays that way.  Her appointment with the urologist is in the morning at 8:30 . We're anxious to see him so he can tell us what our next move will be.
He will either be our best friend in the morning or a big monster, depending on what he tells us, we are hoping for a good report.
  Judy got home safe and I hope I can do as well as she has, taking care of my little sister. Thank you jude for doing such a great job. You will be rewarded one day for all your kindness. Your'e a jewel jude.

Thank again everyone for your kindness and prayers
Love, Lana and Tami

P.S.  I think one reason Tami felt a bit better today was that Lana, our amazing hairdresser sister, gave Tami a Perm and trimmed her hair......that always makes you feel better doesn't It?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Changing of the Guard......again :)

Hi everyone, Lana here,

  Well it's been a very eventful day for us here. Judy and I went to the hospital early so we could see Dr. Lambert and see how the cat scan went during the night.I still can't believe we had to admit Tami in the hospital just to have a cat scan. we are starting to feel like trained seals, jumping through all the hoops for the insurance company. and we wonder why our insurance payments are so high. what a waste. I guess when they did the cat scan early this morning,they didn't get the right pictures so they had to put Tami through it again. Dr. Lambert said she saw no cancer!!! (yeah) she said
everything looked good except the catheder was causing a little pressure because it needed to be adjusted. after the adjustments she started feeling great. they released her from the hospital just before Judy had to leave for the airport. I've enjoyed having Judy here with me for a couple of days.
Now that she is feeling a little better, we need to try and consentrate on putting some weight on Tami again.
I would love to get her home for the big event on the 8th of Sept. but only time will tell. we will keep working on it. We Love you all for helping us through this.
and thanks (Abbys mom) for getting me here to help my dear sister

God bless
Lana and Tami

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tami's great Adventure......

Hi Everyone,
It's been an adventure today.....Tami slept in a little more today so I took Lana on a sight seeing she could find the pharmacy, Elm Street, The Chinese Dynasty where I get Tami's Chinese Food and then to the Budget car rental so Lana could get her car.....A White Ford Fusion.....pretty classy I'd say....and Tami said, "That's cute, Lana."  We had an appointment with Dr. Lambert at 1:00 and she seemed about as confused as we did.....that's why she ordered a CAT scan.  We've always known that Tami's been a troublemaker....well we found out for sure today.  Dr. Lambert said that Tami has had the most complications of any patient she has ever had.%||:-{ unluckyCan you believe that.....well it's really true...we just shook our heads and felt bad for our Tami.  We sat in the waiting room from 2 until 5 waiting for orders and made friends with lots of other patients.  Cute little Christine is about 75 and had breast cancer 6 years ago......she comes every four months for check ups.....she was good to go for another 4 months and we got hugs from her.....she wished Tami well with a big hug. After visiting, Lana whipped out her cards, we pulled up a little table and played rummy for a couple of hours.  We found out that Tami's insurance wouldn't pay for a CAT scan without a primary care physicain.....and since she doesn't have one here in Massachusetts.....she had to be admitted to the hospital to get the scan, just her luck....(Lana's words).....and her great adventure was a big ride in a white and red ambulance.....Lana and I scurried to the emergency room to document the ride with photos.....and then we found out that she sneaked in the back way....Can you believe that the insurance wouldn't pay without the ambulance ride:-/ confused.  One guy in the waiting room offered to give us a ride for half price......that was good of him, don't you think?  Anyway, we're here in the hospital, it's 10:00 at night and Tami still has a while before she'll be going down for the scan.....needless to say, we'll find out nothing tonight. 8-> day dreaming  I've so enjoyed being here and waiting on... and helping Tami.....we were in hopes of greater healing during these past 18 days, but Dr. Lambert says she's improving, so we'll be satisfied with that.  I really appreciate those who have helped out at home and especially my dear husband for allowing me to leave for almost 3 weeks.  Now Lana's great energy will lift Tami's spirits and we'll look forward to every word and bit of info she can provide.......And of course Tami's looking forward to getting her hair done by Her dear sister Lana.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Faces that we Love

Hi Everyone.....
Tami & I got up early because we knew Lana was coming in.... Tami didn't turn out her light until at least 3:00 this morning so I knew she was tired......After we were up I decided that Lana would be at the airport so I grabbed my phone....It was then that I noticed that I had a text message from 5:30 this morning.....It said, "Missed my connecting Flight, won't be in until 9:30....I hollered at Tam in the bathroom, but it was too late....she was already in the shower so too late to go back to bed.I-) sleepy  Tami said....that's okay, now I won't have to hurry so much.  After breakfast we waited on the porch until we saw Abby's cute daughter Amy coming up Oak Street and delivering our dear Lana.  Tami and I had commented about how we come over hundreds of miles, pass millions of people along the way,  just to find that one face that we love and makes us smile. (And the faces are just regular old faces......nothing for the tabloids.....and we still adore them..(.I'm speaking of me Lana, not you:D big grin).  Anyway, we were glad she made it.  Amy came in and visited and stayed awhile....she got talking to the weekend manager, Charlene, about Prince Edward Island and had a rootbeer float.  We were happy she stayed awhile, but I think we made her miss church.....sorry Amy:-S worried.  We can't thank Amy enough for being our extra special taxi service with a smile and hug that saves the rest of us from cruising the unknown streets of Boston.  Abby's girls have been life savers.=D> applause
We took a walk around the block and showed Lana the interesting block we live on....Tami was slow and stopped to rest a couple of times but we all made it.  We're grateful to Lana (and Bent) for sacrificing and those who helped her come out.  We could only hope that Tami will be able to come home with Lana.....but all in due time.   We're looking forward for tomorrow and any answers, but whether or not we get them is the other question.....Oh well, The race is not always to the swift....but to those who keep on running........we'll finish the race of life together....all of us arm in arm.#:-S whew!
Love, Judy

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bloom Where You're Planted........

Hi everyone.....
As I laid in bed this morning I tried to think of how any one of us would handle putting our life on hold, actually leaving everyone around us and going thousands of miles away to change our life with the hope of being able to add some years of health and vitality but knowing we would have to go through the depths of pain and suffering, (hell, so to speak) to come out ahead.  I believe we don't know how strong we could be until we had to be strong......there really is no other choice, but "Give Up".
As Tami and I went on our walk, we entered a parking lot here on the side of the Lodge and as we were close to the dumpsters, we looked down and there was a pretty little petunia growing up through the crack in the blacktop.  It had three bright pink blooms on it and it was thriving, bright and green and pink......Of course we thought of the old adage........"Bloom where you're planted" and in essence, that is what Tami is trying to do minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day.  The process is slow and hardly measureable, but I look at her and her struggle to bloom here and thrive and I'm really amazed at her heart and soul to press forward and do everything she can to improve.  There are 9 bottles of medication by her bed, some on an "as needed" basis.  I know that the side-effects can become a stress also, let alone dealing with a whole new set of plumbing.  I don't believe any of us can comprehend the magnitude of the mountain she is climbing..Oh, she knows she is not climbing alone by any means......she has seen countless others climbing right here in the Lodge.....from the early twenties to the mid eighties....She knows they are climbing their individual mountains along side of her.....I think that is what makes it bearable....To not give up, try to lift the others that are struggling around you and hang on tight.  I have seen that every day and the human spirit becomes stronger, more polished and more refined.  Some of us get tired of the grind and normal living, while a young girl of 22 is hoping that by January she might be able to live a more normal life, because with leukemia, she can't do many things that are normal.   We also know that everyone who is reading this climbs their own mountains every day.....just differently..... I hope we all can be more able to enjoy the "Normals" of life as we climb.....and "Bloom where we're Planted." (Didn't mean to be preachy by any means, just sharing the thoughts of my heart today.)
Love, Judy

Friday, August 24, 2012

A tiny bit better day

Hi friends and family.....
Another nice Massachusetts day.....We really have enjoyed the weather out here for the most part...Usually 79-85 with fairly high humidity, but this week the humidity levels have lowered and it's just pleasant.  Tami sat on the side porch for a short time and commented on the nice breeze.......We talked to Dr. Lambert last night and told her Tami's drain tube she still has in since the operation was loose....Dr. Lambert wanted to see it so we went over again today.  She had gained a little weight since Tuesday and her blood pressure, heart rate, etc. were better numbers so Dr. Lambert was happy with that.  She did have to suture that drain tube back in and told us to keep our Monday appointment and we may be able to have her bladder test done that day.  She has been in contact with Dr. Blute and he told her just to go ahead and order the test.  Lana and I will go over with her and it would be so good to find out if everything is healing nicely .....(or otherwise......we don't want to think that though:-SS nail biting)  She would just like to get and stay on the right track. 
After we got home from the Doctor this afternoon we took a longer walk.....she went faster and longer than the whole time I've been that was encouraging.  She was tuckered out when we got back,but that's okay.  There is a small college here called Becker College and it is in the middle of a residential district and most of the dorm halls are old victorian homes like the Hope Lodge.  We walked by several and noticed the college kids moving in for the semester.  It almost looks like the college bought up all the buldings in a 3 to 4 block area.....really interesting to see.  The Hope Lodge faces a beautiful old home, bigger than the Hope Lodge....It's Merrill Hall...we found out it's an upper class hall for the Becker Students.
Tami felt a little better today, but rest and down-time are still most important to her and it seems to ward off the sickness if she can lay down and stay still.  She can't try to hurry, move too fast, spend too much time in a car, or stay down to visit very long with the managers or those staying here.  Charlene, the weekend manager was excited to see Tami tonight.  Everytime she's been here in the past couple of months, Tami has been in the hospital.  She met Lana and Marsha and Abby and I enjoyed visiting with her for a few minutes after Tami went up to rest.  Everyone has been so kind and of course, they all love Tami...even Charlene mentioned she'd like to donate jewelry she made for AFAF.  Tami just has a gift with people that way.......Loving others is what the Savior asked us to do....Tami has that one down better than most......I guess we can all try harder in that area......patience, patience, patience.......I'll work on that too.:D big grin
Love you all
Judy & Tami&gt;:D< big hug

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mountains To Climb......

Hi Everyone and Happy Birthday to Myron and wonderful son Tanner
It's been a beautiful day again here in Worcester....We sat out on the porch this afternoon as the shadows were getting long and the breeze heavenly.... Tami said...."Close your eyes Jude and it almost sounds like we're at Fish Lake."  The breeze through the leaves transported us there if only for a few moments before a big truck came down the road.  We're at the end of a one-way street so traffic isn't heavy, so it's nice on the porch.  Tami talked with Tiana at Utah State and I smiled as I heard all the motherly advice she was trying to get in.  Tami stayed there as I drove up the street to get some Kung Pao Chicken again for her.  She hasn't felt like doing much today and when I heard a knock on our door and Steve, the manager for today said that Tami had some visitors.....I wondered if she would be able to go downstairs.  It was this morning when she was sleeping after breakfast.   She told me it would make her sick to come as I was down talking to some wonderful friends that had stopped by to visit......guess who came down the back stairs and sneaked slowly in......yup....Tami knew she would feel worse if she wasn't able to see them......Julie and Kevin came....they were here all though June when Tami was here alone before her surgery.....they were here after probably remember me telling about the beautiful crocheted handkerchief she made for Tami.....I was also lucky enough to meet them when I came back   Kevin had a bone marrow transplant many months ago and they were here for some Dr. appointments and so they stopped by.  It was good to see them and it made Tami smile.
The rest of the day she laid down and didn't feel well until she made herself get up for a walk and porch time.  Tami also wanted to thank Madison for calling this morning and asking me to make sure her mom listened to Henry B. Eyring's Conference talk "Mountains to climb."  That also lifted her spirits as she worked on her hair.  Thoughts of Faith and Hope lift us as we contemplate the Savior, his suffering, his message of hope and realize that we all need more polishing.....In that case....Tami will become one of His brightest treasures.  She also thought of the words.....All these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good.  Thanks to all who attended the Anything for a Friend meeting and all those who are working on it.....It is far more than Tami could ever imagine and has humbled her to the very core...... Thanks again
Judy & Tami

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Can I Thank Them All??????

Hi Friends and Family.....
A beautiful day here in Worcester and Tami had a pretty good day....For some reason she's had a headache most of the day....probably just her body trying to regulate everything.  We started early reading a few scriptures from Alma and talking about What Alma taught his 3 boys, Helaman, Shiblon and Corianton....and how he tried to help each one by telling them different things and teaching them what he felt like they individually needed.  Then Tami fell asleep for another 45 minutes.  We spent the day resting, preparing foods....(I made another batch of rice pudding this morning while she rested after breakfast.) She likes to have pudding for snack sometimes.  We took a little walk up Cedar Street tonight and again marvelled at the huge old buildings and their decor.....these would really look out of place back home.  One was a huge old brick building....(Tami and I commented on how it looked a little spooky) that houses the Children's Friend for abused children and across the street are more buuildings for family support and the children's Friend Cottage.  Quite a comglomeration of architecture here.
Today we made decisions on Tami probably not coming home with me and arranging my flight plans and Lana's coming out next.  Abby's dear mom wants to help with expenses for Lana's flight....Tami just can't hardly believe how generous and kind people have been.....and she says to me....."Judy, how will I ever thank everyone....I'll never be able to express my thanks enough."  It's overwhelming to her because she would like to individually write to each and everyone....and how can she????
Lana will be here on Sunday and I"ll be coming home Tuesday....So Lana and I can catch up and clean and get her a car, etc.  That will be good to have a couple of days of catch-up before I go.  I really didn't want to leave her and she has tried to be so positive that she could come home with me.....but.....she simply doesn't have the strength and we really would like her to get rid of a couple of tubes before she comes back so there would be less chance of maybe in a couple of weeks.....We hope...we hope....we hope....We made that decision after Dr. Lambert called and said she couldn't contact Dr. Blute today from Urology because he was in surgery all day.....we've just had a lot of unknowns so we made decisions with what we knew and how Tami felt today.   Anyway....know we love and care for you all and thank the Lord for the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best people on earth.
Love, Judy and Tam

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Musings, Melancholy, and Hope

Hi Everyone....
We think a lot about those at home and we appreciate all the good that many are doing.....We also think about last year at this time.  Tami had just been to see a cancer Dr. in Salt Lake and was about 3 weeks out of her surgery from home.  I was in Southern Utah near Fish Lake Bow hunting with my sons Rick & Seth (and boys), Son-in-law Jonah and brother Van and his son Tyler.  We had set up camp where our Dad and mom had camped many years ago when my kids were very small.  Although to many, this sight may seem,  "not out of the ordinary", to me and holds years of memories of our wonderful Mom & Dad and spending time in those Southern Mountains.  We love that spot, simply because the years of memories flood our minds at every turn.  Anyway...Tami said she might surprise me and come down........Oh was I surprised and excited when she and Cali came around the bend and brought their tent.....Oh what a wonderful few days we had as we tracked deer, looked for arrowheads, made fries in the dutch oven around the fire, attended church in the Fish Lake Lodge and simply enjoyed every minute.....(and Tami was still holding her tummy and walking gingerly and sleeping in a sleeping bag.....can you believe it?)( She had to hold her tummy as we rode in the bumpy pick-up truck and we had to try to be careful for her)......Anyway, that's where we wanted to be again this year......but Boston is ok for right now.  (Sorry about the melancholy)
Today we met with Dr. Lambert.  Tami had eaten almost nothing in a 24 hour period.  So Dr. LAmbert sent her to get an IV for fluids......that took over an hour but seemed to help her also.  Her vital signs are all good and we're still waiting for an appointment to see the urologist so we can find some answers.....Dr. Lambert seemed encouraged, so we hope all is well.  I guess her blood pressure was just a tad low and heart rate a tad that's why the fluid.  She would really like to come home for a while but that will be entirely up to the urologist......We're supposed to hear by tomorrow afternoon if we have an appointment this week.  I'm trying to figure this all out because my two weeks are about up......If Tami could possibly come home, I could stay for a couple more we're just trying to figure the changing of the guard....Tami just has in her mind that he'll let her come home.....I hope she's right.....but we want to make sure and we want her to be safe.
We are grateful for the Hope Lodge that is run by donations from the American Cancer Society.....quite amazing and eye-opening to see what they do for people...They also have fund-raisers back here for the Lodge.  Dave, the night manager who also has an apartment here in the Lodge had Brain Cancer over 20 years ago.  He arranges a 24 hour skate-a-thon every year....I just talked to him and he was thanking donors and told me they made more money than last year, so that was neat. I can't imagine what we would have done without them.
Well......enough of my musings.....sorry so long.....but know we appreciate tonight all those who ordered  and ate "MOR CHIKIN" and those who are just holding down the fort.......We love you
Judy and Tam

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, Monday

Happy Monday everyone.......
We hope your Monday was a good one,  I wish ours would have been a little better.......Tami got up as usual and went down for breakfast and took her usual mornin' nap....but somewhere along the line after that she just didn't feel the best......I believe it has to do with her digestive system just being I guess we had 5 good days.....5 steps forward and a little step back.  She wasn't nauseated, just that indigestion feeling all needless to say, she has stayed in bed the better part of the afternoon and evening.  A restaurant delivered dinner tonight and me and the night manager were the only partakers in the kitchen tonight.  There are more people coming this week but almost everyone has either gone home, doing better and left or still in the needless to say, As Tami and I took just a little walk out here in the upstairs lounge.....It's quiet as a mouse.  I watched Tami as she slowly put one foot in front of the other to try to feel better.  She had a little lunch...(more corn on the cob and 1/2 of a baked potato)  We wonder if its all the corn she's had the last couple of days....Who knows, we keep trying to outguess her system........It's just we would like all the answers......(Isn't that just like a human....wanting all the answers right now)!!:-(||&gt; give up
The nurse came today and said all her vital signs are we'll just hope for a better day tomorrow.  We hope to get some appointments with the urologist and some answers...but who knows......She has made great strides the past week so we won't complain.....we would just like to get her better and get her home.
I kept busy cleaning for a lady who had to take her sick mom home last night,  Her mom was so sick with chemo from pancreatic cancer and she still had the room to clean, sheets to wash, fridge to clean out and cupboards to empty.....I told her I'd have time to do it today.  It was a good distraction for me while Tami rested. 
We'll keep up the good hope on this end if you'll do the same on your end......Have a good night

Sunday, August 19, 2012

We are blessed

Hi everyone:

This has been a wonderful Sabbath day and I asked Tami what she was thankful for this morning.....She said "Almost everything"  And we talked about blessings and how we have so many.  It was a good thought for a good day.  Tami has had almost no nausea for 5 days now and she seems to be eating much better.  Tonight Gulf Oil sponsored a dinner for us.....They came and cooked burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and brought Salad, watermelon, pineapple, Rolls, drinks, and Corn on the cob.  Tami ate 3 half cobs......I couldn't believe she ate other stuff too.  Then we had an ice cream bar.....she started that but simply could not finish.  They were pleasant people that were just good and uplifting.  We totally enjoyed their cooking for us.  They also cleaned up and left a little Gulf Oil bag.......kind of a humanitarian service they do and have been doing all summer to several cancer society lodges along the east coast.  Amazing.

Tami received an e-mail today from her ward relief society that just made her day.  Sister Hensley was the teacher and she took a movie of her Relief Society and sisters waving and Talking to Tami.  Tami had me come over to see and then pointed to the women to tell me who they were.  I heard her playing it several times with a smile on her face each time.  There have been so many things and people who have done so much that Tami feels overwhelmed with gratitude and wondering how she'll ever be able to thank so many for soooooo much&[] gift.  Tim also received a great outpouring of love at church today and the goodness of neighbors and friends continues to amaze them. Tami also appreciates the love of several who helped Tiana as she moved to Logan, those in her ward and Van's Tami, Brooke and Megan who helped so much before and yesterday also....All those acts of service do not go unnoticed.....they are a treasure to Tami here as she remains unable to do most of those things that a mother longs to do. It is humbling to accept so much from so many,,,,,from all of us who has tried to be self-sufficient and independent ......The Lord requires a humble people......we all seem to be humbled at one time or another.....I guess in our hearts we will always be thankful for the times we can give instead of the times we must receive.  We hope your giving has been a blessing to you as it has been a blessing to us. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Another day of healing.....we think

Happy Saturday Night::&quot;> blushing
Almost a carbon-copy 4 days now.  One Exception......last night I was tuckered out by 11:30 and Tami still wanted to go down for cereal..... So just for this once, Tami said,  "I can go down by myself, Jude."  I told her I would go down, but she insisted that she felt good enough to go down alone.....So I went to bed and felt promptly asleep when I heard her return.  About 2:30 I noticed her light was still on so I went in to go to the bathroom and sure enough, there she was, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.....laying down and reading the news on the computer......Sounds like the ole Tami doesn't it?  So needless to say, I got going by 8:30 and was showered and ready before she woke up at 10:00.  Of course, then it's immediately to breakfast and then she comes back up for another nap to help breakfast settle.  Then the routine of her showering, etc...etc....
Tonight we took a leisurely walk up Elm street and admired the large old victorian buildings, and Church Diocese buildings....
We were amazed at the large trees, large homes and buildings and ornate fences and entrances to the buildings.  A little bit like the Avenues in Salt Lake but much older buildings.  We sat on the porch for a few minutes and enjoyed the cool air before we came in to cook Jumbalaya with Brats.....(That's what she wanted so I made it????)  It was good....She says Tim makes it all the time. 
Anyway.....Another good day overall.....but still concerned about tubings and drainage.....with no answers forthcoming at least until Tuesday and then hopefully we can get an appointment to see Dr. Bloot(Sp) who is the urologist......we just would like to have some answers about her recovery and if she should come home or have to wait..........
Tiana got launched with sisters in Tow and Tim helping them get cars ready and holding down the fort.....Tiana also received a care package from a sweet neighbor....Tiana said she almost cried and Tami did cry.......Such is the thoughfulness of one who cares.
As Tim said today....I can't answer any questions, I'm just trying to do the best I can.....Aren't we all?  We'll just keep working on that.....Thanks for your prayers, Love and conern.....

Friday, August 17, 2012

Three pretty DARN GOOD DAYS!

Hi Team Tami....
Another day of up......3 days in a row......don't get me wrong, she's not doing somersaults, but she hasn't been nauseated for several hours at a time....I've seen her go from needing help upstairs when I came (Everytime) to manuvering the stairs by herself (gingerly) all the time.  She's kept ahead of the nausea most of the time and is eating more at a time.  Her biggest problem right now is the tubes.  If we just knew she could get rid of those and have no problem I believe she could come home.  We think she can meet with the urologist next week but Dr. Lambert hasn't set that up there are too many questions and not enough answers to know for sure.  All I know is she is a lot better than when I got here...(at least for today) (Thanks to Abby and Amy for doing their jobs very well.).=D&gt; applause
When I moved us, she was in bed all I just packed up everything because I couldn't ask her too many questions,  Well, today we started to organize those boxes just a bit and Tami feels better now she knows where her treasures are.....and plane tickets, etc.  She got right down on her knees to look in her suitcase and paperwork.....I was tickled to see her so engaged in a project instead of just trying to hang on to dear life.....I imagine all of us can remember being sick enough to not care what's going on around us.....So to see her interested in a few things and talking to her family a little more.....that's all good.  Tami says she feels likes she's coming out of an "Empty Stare" where all is oblivious around you because you're so far gone on meds, sickness and overall malaise.  Her demeaner is brighter, smile on more, and inner soul more alive.  She's not all well, but farther along the road of recovery that she has been.
It's thundering and lightening again....we just came up from the kitchen......Tami likes to open the windows down there so she can hear the thunder and rain......It's soothing to the brain I believe.:) happy
I went on a couple of errands today but Tami decided to stay home and take it easy for her healing.  We're trying to do that for the next 2 or 3 days.....just to see if it might help.....Anything to get better she says.
Well, goodnight to you we dare hope for 4 days in a row.....I think so.  We also hope and pray that all is ok at home. Tiana is leaving for Logan tomorrow for school and Tami feels bad that she's not there to get Tiana some new towels, sheets, you know, the stuff you take up for your new room.  But she told Tiana that she'll be home before too long so she can be a mom again.  We'll just thank the Lord for our blessings tonight and say a prayer for all we love.
Love, Judy

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Photo: Relaxing on the Porch

Now that I have your attention:

We are holding a benefit for Tami on September 8th at Weber State University.  Please join us for breakfast, a 5K, or both! Sign up today!!

There will be lots of food, fun for the kids, and LOTS of great items for auction! There will also be yummy bake sale items as well.  All to benefit Tami as she fights for her health.  All proceeds will be used to assist in tami's medical care and recovery. Can't come? No problem! You can still go online and donate by clicking here.

Love to all...

A special gift to Tami......Inspired words for George!

One more thing today......A few weeks ago, Ralene Montgomery a good friend from West Point e-mailed Tami saying they had similar tastes in Country Music......especially that of the one and Only Mr. George Strait.  She said He has always been my favorite also.  With her ingeniuity and creativity she rewrote "Amarillo by Mornin'" with words written just for our Tami.  She stuck as closely to the original form as possible, stating, "It's not my intent to destroy such a wonderful song"  But we think this versions an amazing re-creation.....Tami and & I sang along with George with the new words.......

Amarillo by mornin'
Layin' here all alone.
Everything that I got
to wear, is this dumb gown!
When that sun is high, you know, so am I,
Those darn pain pills make me loopy, I swear.
On my pillow this mornin'
When on pain pills, I don't care!
They took out all of my innards,
Some they tossed, some they let stay,
Lost my spleen and appendix somewhere along the way,
I ain't feelin' so great,
But I will...just wait!
All my friends have been so kind.
On my pillow this mornin'
With a marathon on my mind.
On my pillow this mornin'
Layin' here all alone.
Everything that I got
to wear, is this dumb gown.
I ain't got a dime
'Cause they took what's mine,
I ain't rich, 'cause surgery ain't free.
On my pillow this mornin'
But at home's where I'll soon be!

Food Cravings.................

Hi Woosta Friends:
Well I was well pleased that Tami didn't go way back down today.....just a little bit. She didn't feel quite as good as yesterday, but at least the teeter-totter didn't go clear back down.  She said she felt like nausea was chasing her all day and she was trying to outrun it by eating regular and trying to out pace it.  After breakfast at 8:00 she came back up and slept for a couple of hours and then spent the rest of the time getting ready and eating again before we went to our other Dr. Appt to get help with her tubes and drains....(sounds like a plumbing issue.....welll it really is!)  We did really well there and the nurse said to me as Tami went into the bathroom,"It's a pleasure to work with someone so brave."  I thought that was a compliment from a nurse who has helped hundreds of patients with plumbing issues.  She was also excited to tell us all the places to go see in Mass and Vermont.  We didn't tell her that probably wouldn't happen, but her excitement made us think of the possibilities.  She has a sister in Utah that lives in Sandy and really thinks Utah is a wonderful place.
We've tried to think of things to help her heal faster, but we simply don't know what to do.....we even thought of keeping her flat down, except for eating in the kitchen, for 3 or 4 days to see if that would put stress off the bladder so it could heal faster.....we're just trying to do the best we can. 
We appreciate all those who care and love and send notes and just want her to get better.....surely the Lord has blessed her with many around her to send their love and concern......It certainly helps and lifts her spirits to fight on............
She has been craving Chinese food for a couple of days.....we've looked around but couldn't decide what to finally tonight I went over about a mile away to a little corner Chinese place and got her some Kung Pau Chicken and Orange chicken and rice.  She said it was really good......(but I wish she could eat more.....when we were done the night manager said it looked like we hadn't eaten anything.)  Oh,well....more for tomorrow.  At least she was craving something instead of being sick......One giant step forward, I think.
Well, it's late and the bed is calling hug those around you and give thanks for the health and family you have today.
Love you

ok so I forgot to put it on the blog but mom got it from staceys sorry

Hi special people.....
Well, it seems like a roller coaster ride here....up and down....up and down.....That's the way it's been since Sat.  Sat. Good Day, Sunday not so good, Monday a good day, Tuesday, not so good and then Wednesday....Tami said "the best I've felt since surgery."  So go figure....Now I hope we can have two days in a row where she feels pretty good...(considering all she has going on). 
Dr. Lambert is going out of town tomorrow until next Tuesday.  She called today and talked to Tami to make sure all was well.  But there really isn't anything at the moment that Dr. Lambert would change so we just bide our time each day to hope healing is on the way.
Brent, Abby anfd Kemper came down from New Hampshire today to visit.  We took root beer floats out onto the front porch and enjoyed the nice breeze and wonderful company.  Kemper also made Tami a fluffernutter sandwich which is marshmellow "Fluff" and peanut butter....I had some too....really pretty good.  They stayed a little over an hour and it was so good to see Tami enjoying company.  She had gone back to bed this morning after breakfast and then got up at 10:30 before they got here about 11:00.  They came up to our room to enjoy the beauty of the old Lodge and then out to the porch.  Tami and I stayed on the porch for almost another hour as she had some lunch and just enjoyed being outside.  I kept waiting for her to be sick and need to lay down.....but that time never came.  I laid down about 5:00 for an hour and I came back in the room to see Tami working on her nails with no need to lay down.....I was realy impressed.
Then we talked about something to eat and she suggested we go to Wendy's.....I thought that was great and she ate half the chicken sandwich and some fries....she went back to get some hotter fries, but then they were too over-cooked, but she had some anyway.....they were just not quite what she wanted, but she made it okay. 
We're just resting now and will go down for Tami to have one more snack before bedtime and so she can take her pills and we'll all hope for a two-day-in-a-row good kind of day tomorrow.  Hope all is well for all of you at home.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moving Day

Hi Everyone....
Tami woke up and had a big french toast and rested for awhile......then Debra, the Hope Lodge Manager came down and told us there was a leak in the basement where we stay and we needed to move.  For any of you who have been there lately and seen all the medical supplies Tami has in the room, that was quite the undertaking.....but we had all day to do it and I finished with some help at about 10:00.  The night manager, Louise and another caretaker saved me about 6 loads down two flights of stairs and carrying heavy boxes and bags.
We really didn't start to move until the home-care nurse left about 12:45.  I started packing and organizing things into boxes but the actual move wasn't until afternoon.  The nurse came to help Tami change some of her attachments and care for her open wound that now looks really good. 
We are now on the 2nd floor where there are 5 bedrooms.  The stairs come from the ground floor and follow up a beautiful winding stair case.  the 1st landing has a sitting room with stained glass windows over a circular landing that is really beautiful.  We are in adjoining rooms with a bathroom in the room Tami is sleeping in.....Wow.....that's a first, our very own bathroom.
We will miss the T.V. room downstairs but Tami said she really needed the move.  She says it's like a new beginning and the  rooms we are in are bright and beautiful with many windows.  Most of all, we are just happy to have a wonderful place to stay with helpful and concerned people.
Tami didn't feel very well all day and stayed in bed a large part of the day.  We try to figure it all out, but just can't.  She felt a little better this evening and so she wanted to watch "The Help" again tonight.  I think it gives her strength to keep fighting and inspires her to hang in there.  So, that is why I'm so late with the blog.  It's now 2:00 Massachusetts time and I've had a big day.  We didn't go outside once today but still got lots of exercise...(All for the good!).  Abby, Brent and Kemper are coming to visit tomorrow at 11:00 so we can show off our new digs.  We hope all is well at home and with all those we care about and love.....

A couple of photos for Team Tami.

 This is Tami and Abby leaving the hospital

Abby, Tami, and Amy Paris at the hope lodge

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pretty great day in Worcester

Hi Everyone.....
A pretty great day.....except Tami wanted to get rid of a couple of attachment hoses, but alas....Dr. Lambert said....Tami the catheter needs to be there to help your bladder heal, and the drain tube lets us know if the bladder is still leaking.  So we go forth until a week from tomorrow still attached.~X( at wits' end Oh well, Tami is positive still and not overstressed.....she's just handling it with a smiling face and determination. 
We were gone from the Hope Lodge from 12:00 noon until about 5:30....Tami rested for a short while and was up again,,,,,she's resting and watching the news, which to me is a great sign because when she is nauseated, she just lays down.  She has not been nauseated most of the day which tells me her day has been the best since I got here.
Dr. Lambert is pleased with her improvements and just wants her to continue doing the same....Numbers were good as far as medical terms....White count (6) Normal blood pressure, blood counts, temperature, etc.  All pretty normal and weight about the same.  Dr. Lambert just wants her to get some weight on and start thriving and feeling well.8-&gt; day dreaming
Dinner tonight was provided by a local restarant....Barbecue ribs off the bone, salads, watermelon, bread.....Tami doesn't like barbecue, bread, watermelon or salads....she had mashed potatoes and corn and chicken...and a little taste of salads (sounds like her huh?)....I really enjoyed the other food.
We're headed up now for nightly cold cereal and whatever sounds good to Tami at the time.
A beautiful day in Worcester, heartfelt visits with those suffereing here and Debra the manager, good visits with those at home and 3 wonderful letters from loved ones.  We also want to wish our little brother a safe and uneventful colonoscopy.  As a joke he asked Tami to pray for him....(thinking that would bring a smile to her face since she has been through so much and now our little brother is faced with a scary routine exam.)'@-@ search me...but that's life, huh.....its scary for any of us to go to the Dr.  So be thankful tonight that you are healthy :-)/\:-) high fiveand sleeping in your own beds. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Thoughts for the day

Hi Friends....
What a sight as Tami and I watched an African-American mother and her son play in the rain today from the kitchen window that rises a couple of stories high from street level.  The mother let her son walk through the gutters running fast with the run-off from the heavy rain.....they threw water on each other and laughed as the heavy rain descended.  At first when I saw them, I felt sad that they had been caught in a down-pour.....I kept watching, and then realized how much fun they were having......After watching "The Help" with Tami tonight, that scene is all the more poignant.  Tami really enjoyed that movie and we realized how far we have all come since my high school days when Martin Luther King was shot......Anyway, We had a quiet and restful day today because Tami wasn't up to doing a lot.  We took a couple of walks in between the rain and enjoyed the cool breeze and uneven cobblestone walkways and raised cement.  We enjoyed the walk and took a breather at a stone fence just right for the sitting and resting.  She had a cane, and I a large umbrella that I used for a cane.......:-? thinking(So no Cane and Abel.....just two canes!)
I'm sure we looked like two sick people from the cancer home.....we just enjoyed it all. 
Tami gets up about 6:30 for breakfast and then needs to rest for a couple hours after that, then shower, clean her open wound, and clean clothes.....go get something to eat......walk around the circle inside the Hope Lodge a couple of times and then rest, go eat, take meds all in between and hope they stay down and don't make her sick,,....and do it all again a few times.....In between we talk, laugh, cry, talk to wonderful people at home and pass the day.....All in all we have hope for the future, reality checks in time it takes for healing and thanks to the Lord for letting us have the journey.
Love you all,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

2 steps forward, a little step back

Hi Boston Buddies......
Cloudy, overcast with some rain and sprinkles.....Amy took Tami for a short walk today with a big umbrella over both of them while I cleaned up lunch that Amy made for us.  She was delightful and fun and took wonderful care of Tami.  I watched as she helped Tami up the stairs and fixed her food, washed her clothes and cleaned her wound.  Truly a service of love as only a true friend can do.  She filled up the fridge and cupboard with food that Tami might like and brought some items for Tami.  I will miss her laugh and fun spirit.  Thanks again Amy for your week of service.  Tami felt a quite a bit better this last week than the week Abby was here.  Abby also worked hard for Tami.  Tami didn't feel quite as good today.....her digestive system is sluggish and seems to cause her nausea and lack of energy.  If we could just wake the dang system up so it's working properly, but Dr. Lambert says that's normal.  Amy passed the chart to me that she and Abby had filled out....quite the art work I'll tell you....with times and dates and many perscriptions to keep track of, Dr.'s appointments, nurse care dates and questions for the Dr. for the appointment on Monday.  I'll do good to keep all that straight.
We took a ride to Walgrens to get a few items.  When I rented my car I ordered it online and asked for the cheapest car.....then when I got here last night I mentioned to the fellow that my sister had cancer and I was here to care for her and that when she was here in April and June she had a cute red Ford Focus, so I asked him if He could find me one just for her.....But, alas, there was no red Ford Focus...but as we walked we saw a cute bright red Chevy Impala sports car.....He said, "I can let you take this one and its a double upgrade that I'll give you for nothing".....I was happy with that and as I drove an extra hour last night trying to find the Hope Lodge by way of Connecticut, it was actually a pleasant drive......(But I was glad to get here at 11:30).'s 10:30, Tami is resting right now, all is quiet and I hope she has a good night.
Thank you for your love and prayers....

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's so good to finally be here and see these two special faces

ICarrie from Tam's Home Care Provider came today.
Tam's Stats 
1. Temperature was normal 98 exactly. Normal.
2. Blood Pressure 106 / 60 Good for Tami's weight 
3. Heart Rate 93. Normal
4. Oxygen 100%
5. Carrie measured Tam's wound today. Nice pink color. 
Results today = length 4 cm x width 1.5 cm x depth .2 cm 
length 5 cm x width 2 cm previous measurements (1 - 1/2 wks ago)
Delta length 1 cm x width .5 cm YEAH!! 
Tam's wound had to be packed with gauze ... so Carrie from Home Care has these sayings to remind you of things ... No crowding that baby [the wound] ... let it [wound] shrink ... as Carrie would say.
6. Tam's learning to do more on her own like care for her own stoma pouch. Carrie asked Tami to cut the opening of the pouch. Tami then went further and said "let me go ahead and do the rest and put it on." We are so proud of you Tam!! You are our hero and amaze us every single day!! You stay so positive with new challenges. 

Dr. Lambert called to check up on Tami today since she hadn't heard from us Dr. Lambert wanted to be sure that everything was going as expected for Tami. Dr. Lambert is such a sweet and caring person and wonderful doctor!! Dr. Lambert mentioned that Tam's urine tests did show some levels of bacteria; however, she wanted to wait since her blood work on Monday was good. Tam will have more blood drawn before her appointment with Dr.Lambert next "Monday". 

Well Judy's flight was delayed due to the weather out this way. It has been raining and thundering, and there has been some flash flood warnings and tornado watches in the Northeast ... seems to have settled down after sun set.  It has been a very long day for Judy, up since  2:30 and I know she is dang tired, bless her heart. The airplane landed in New York to refuel due to the weather and waited due to the weather to take off again. Then Judy still had to get a car and drive to Hope Lodge.  Good thing Judy had a GPS in the rental car ... what does GPS stand for anyway????  Judy said it was a straight shot to Hope Lodge ... 'the Second Time'!! The detour only took her 1 hour out of the way.  Judy arrived safely and soundly around 11:20 PM EDT.  Tam and I were standing on the porch waiting patiently for Judy's arrival!!  We were about to go inside, but another car was driving down the street.  Tami knew instantly that it was Judy ... must be a sister connection thing?!?!  In drives a Red Impala!!  Judy steps out of the Red Impala!!  It was sooooo good to see Judy's beautiful face get out of that car finally!! 

Judy said Tam is looking thinner but that Tam is looking like she has more life in her and more vitality.

This will be my last blog.  I just want to say I appreciate the opportunity  that I have had to help my friend, Tam.  Lifelongfriendsforever

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care,
Amy Paris

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tam is doing better every day, everyone at Hope Lodge sees Tam's improvements and comments on how well Tam is eating more, more attentive, more mobile, and can sit longer at the table.  Tam is trying to figure out the right balance with meals and exercise, without feeling too nauseated or too tired or too full or exhausted, to restore her muscles and heal her wounds.  Tam is trying so hard to eat more proteins and eat more often to regain her strength and to heal her body back to health.  Tam's stomach is still slow to wake up and slow to digest her food, and she still gets so full so quickly. The past couple of days Tam has felt good enough to venture out for a couple of walks around the block for exercise to build up her muscles, and get some fresh air and sun rays. 
Tam's wound is healing nicely.  Nice color and getting smaller.
Tam's temperature was normal today.
One of the Hope Lodge managers commented Tami's face has a healthy glow coming back. 
Tam still has a long, slow road to recovery ahead but each day she amazes everyone with how far she has come.

Well, my week is almost up, and I appreciated the opportunity to be here with Tam to help, but Judy will arrive tomorrow night. Tami is so grateful and appreciative for her loving sisters and their families and knows it is not an easy trip for them to be here with her or those back home ... she loves them dearly. 

Tam ... you have so many family and friends that love you very, very much and just want you to heal and get well.     

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care,
Amy Paris
ealthy Glow!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Importance of Family

Tam is trying so hard to do what is right to get better as fast as she can.  Tam is trying to eat as many meals as she can.  Tam will ask, "How many proteins is in that?" or "I can learn to like that if it has that many proteins."

If only Tam's stomach could hold more and digest quicker. When Tam woke up this morning her stomach still felt full like it was undigested.  Tam says it is like her stomach is trying to figure out how all the pieces work together or still needs wake up again.

Tam's thoughts are always with her family.  While they are not close in proximity, they are not far from Tam's heart!  She has their beautiful family picture by her bedside so she can see them every night before she falls asleep.  Their is a beautiful saying on the picture frame 'It's a blessing to be surrounded by faces that we love'. Without a doubt, Tam sure misses and loves her family.  She knows this is the best place for her to be to get well right now but she knows that it is hard on everyone she loves as well as herself. 

Madison ... Thank you for your thoughtfulness for leaving your favorite 'lamy pillow' for you mom!  When I went to wash to your pillow case, Tam told me the whole story about how your 'lamy pillow' helped her through some tough times, and that she sleeps with it every night!! Bless your heart!! Tam is proud of Maddie landing her new job... way to go Madison!!

Tam is excited for Tiana getting ready to go off to college and proud to be the mother of Tiana, but she is so sad that she is not there with Tiana to help her get ready for her first day.  Tami is so grateful for Van's wife Tami and daughter Brooke for helping Tiana get ready for college.  Tami did not think that she would be away this long and wishes so badly that she could be there to be a part of such a monumental period in Tiana's life.

Tam is so proud of Cali finishing her Art class at college. Tam says that with Cali's creative abilities, she hopes that Cali will pursue her dreams, find her passion, and be able to find a niche allowing her to use her natural artistic, creative abilities. 

Tim, the backbone, lifeline of the family and love and sweetheart of Tam's life! She adores him and is so Thankful for Tim for holding down the fort and juggling home, work, family, and all the demands of Tami's absence.

Tam loved talking to her mamma, Blanche, this morning, and Blanche thought Tami's voice was sounding stronger and better than when she was in the hospital.  Tami's mamma feels she know  what pain Tami's going through since Blanche has gone several surgeries herself.  With it comes a very slow healing process to recover...Baby Steps, so to speak. 

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care,
Amy Paris

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hurray...two days in a row:)

Since yesterday was such an exhausting day for Tam, Tam wanted to recuperate and heal today.  So, today was a very good day for eating and a couple of walks, and more eating! 

Debra, the Hope Lodge Worcester Manager, saw Tami today and commented on how good Tami looked!  For dinner a group brought the Hope Lodge a salad, lasagna, bread, and mixed fruit. Tam said the food tasted good, even to her.  Tam had a huge helping (for Tami) of salad, lasagna and bread (because it even filled up a large plate)!!!!  Debra told Tami that she is very proud and impressed with Tami ... Tami looks better and is eating better!!

After Tam's shower this morning, Tam said she felt good ... not as tired.  Excellent sign!!  More proteins! more proteins! 

French toast, rice pudding, almonds, beef strips in ramen noodles, cottage cheese and peaches, salad, lasagna and bread
Must be something to that magic mouth potion because it seems to be doing its trick. Now if Tam's stomach could just hold more food.

Tam is a joy to be around! Tami has so many friends and loving family.  Tam is trying to get her daughter ready for college.  It seems like just yesterday. that Tam's bestest friend Avy, Michelle, and me were all roomies!!  Playing pinochle or hearts, eating baked potatoes and hamburger just about every night ... now we are just trying to get something in Tam's stomach.

Michelle sent an email, two words "Cancer, sucks!!"  I totally agree!!  Michelle goes on "I know it is baby steps. Good thing she is a fighter and has such a positive attitude, even thought I'm sure it has to be hard to keep it up, but with great family and friends she'll be able to do it." Michelle sends her love and hugs to Tami.

Tami is surrounded by loving friends and family.
Tam's temperature has been normal today.
Sharon was the home care nurse that came today.  Sharon said that Carrie will visit Friday.
Tam is resting right now.  Later tonight, Tam will wake up for another meal and go from there. 
But Tam already woke ... while still blogging ... so gotta go.

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care,
Amy Paris

Monday, August 6, 2012

Good News!

What an eventful day for Tami.  Tam was non-stop from 6am until almost 5pm that is long time for anyone but extremely exhausting for Tami.  Today was Tami's Doctor's appointment. So up and at 'em at 6am, eat, meds, shower, get ready, eat, meds, go hospital lab to draw blood, wait, snack, draw blood, go to Dr Lambert's office, pick up meds, come back to Hope Lodge, meds, rest.  So Tam is soooo exhausted right now and resting finally.  She is just plain tuckered right out. 

Tam's Milestones 
1. Tam's weight last week 91.3 lbs and this week is 91.2 lbs so she is maintaining her weight, which was great.  Yeah!  but more proteins, proteins, proteins, proteins!!!!   
2. Temperature was normal 98.1. Normal, Yeah! 
3. White Blood Count was Normal at 7.  Normal, Yeah! 
4. Dr. Lambert mentioned that Tam looked much better than last week.  Still weak, but looked a lot better.
5. Dr. Lambert commented that since not seeing Tam's wound every day now, Dr. Lambert could see that Tam's wound was healing nicely and the wound is getting smaller.  Dr. Lambert could see a big difference in the past week.  Yeah! 
6. Dr. Lambert felt Tam is doing better and that the IV PICC Lines could be taken out today. Yeah!
7. Potassium was Normal. Normal, Yeah! I say this because this is one of those pills that I think Tam just did not like to take at all but knew that she had to in order to get better, Bless her BIG heart, itty biddy stomach and determination!!  I think the potassium pills used to upset her stomach.  So Tam would take the potassium pill and then have to take a nausea pill because she took the potassium pill.  Medicine, go figure, you would think that with all the advancement in medicine, someone would come up with a better solution!!  Come on you Einsteins!!
8.  We mentioned that Tam's taste of food has changed,and we mentioned this to Dr Lambert.  Well Dr Lambert immediately asked to see Tami's tongue????  Dr Lambert mentioned that Tami's tongue has a type of yeast infection that will distort the taste of food.  Well, who knew?? So Dr. Lambert prescribed a 'miracle mouth wash', as the pharmacist called it.  So Tam will swish and spit out this mouth wash and zap it a away, and her taste buds should be back to normal!! 

I truly believe it was meant for Tami and Dr. Lambert to meet, both are very special women.  Tami, for being my friend and Dr. Lambert for helping my Tami!!  I hear great things about Dr. Lambert and I know great things about Tami. Dr. Lambert told us before we left to call her if we need her. 
When we were checking in today, the office mentioned, well Dr. Lambert doesn't see patients at the clinic on 'Mondays', but Dr. Lambert was so concerned about Tami last week and wanted to make sure that Tami was doing better.  Then when we were checking out, again the office mentioned, Dr. Lambert doesn't see patients at the clinic on 'Mondays', well Tami's next appointment with Dr. Lambert is again next "Monday".   

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care,
Amy Paris

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Healing slow but sure

Tami got a good night sleep.  Ate a little oatmeal, toast, OJ, and meds for breakfast.  Tam showered, tended to bandages, got her hair dryed, curled her hair, put her makeup on ... what a dazzler!! For a snack, chicken with ramen noodles and meds.  I guess that it is what you call Asian style chicken noodle soup.  Right now, Tam doesn't know what will taste good to her and what won't.  Some people's taste buds seem to change with surgery, meds, treatment, etc.  I am sure others have experienced the same thing.  Then the other thing is Tam's little tummy fills up so quickly.  She said she wanted to try some  'comfort food' from her childhood days, food that her mamma, Blanche, used to make her, something soothing and heartwarming. As Tam says, "You keep on keeping on".  Tam needs to keep up her strength because she is so tired and weak still.  Tam is resting right now, but Tam has been pretty tired most of the day as the day progressed.

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care!
Amy Paris

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What a difference a week makes!! Tam is very coherent , funny as usual, and her beautiful smile just knocks you off your feet.  Tam is teaching me the ropes today ... keeping me on my toes!!  But Tam's skinny little body sure needs some muscle and fat to help build up her strength because she tires very quickly still.  She is trying to eat more small meals, more often to get better faster.  Tam has the same determination and spirit that she always has had and that is what we love about her. Tam's back has been still been bothering her tonight, but Tami is resting peacefully right now.

Bless Tami with your prayers.

Take Care!
Amy Paris

Thanks Abby and 'Welcome Amy

Saturday noon update
Tam is more back to herself than I have seen her. (since last Saturday)
She is much more talkative and laughing and joking.  Still moving like she just delivered a big baby but getting around  good.  She doesn't like to sit to long at the table because her back hurts.  But I think that will end as soon as she has more strength.
Amy S. Paris joined us this morning.  She has picked up on the tasks quite well.  The meds are the tricky part.  Tam will say "naw, I don't want to take that one, give me the other one"  So I guess the patient knows best.  ???
She is keeping her food down, and eating a bit more each day. 
She tends to get tired easily but to be expected.  It will be a slow process so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Changing of the Guard...Again....Thanks Amy

Friday, August 3, 2012

We like these days.......

Today Tim went to a chinese place for dinner......He received his little fortune cookie....It said:  This year your highest priority will be your family  (Well said)

It was a fairly uneventful day today - which means it was a good day.  Tam watched some TV, we sat out on the porch eating popcycles (she got 1/2 of one down).  She ate pretty good meals today.  And her color is looking better.  
She is pretty tired right now so she may just go to sleep for the night.  Still very weak but getting better.
I was able to finally get the perscription that Dr. Lambert ordered for her.  I even left Tam out on the porch to get to the hospital before it closed at 7.  She did fine.  When I returned Amy had stopped by to visit so that was fun.
Amy Suzuki Paris will be here tomorrow.  Can't believe a week has gone by.  I will probably stay till Sunday so I can teach Amy what needs to be done with the pic lines and her wound.    Also, Tam has another appt on Monday with Dr. Lambert so I will get together the notes and things that the Dr. will want to see.
Good night to you,
Middle of the day news
Things are a lot better.  Tami is even responding to my teasing.  Before it was just a blank stare.  She has eaten better today,  Good ole mashed potatoes and corn with a chicken nugget on the side,  followed by a bit of a rootbeet float.
Life is getting better.  Hardly any nausea for her and none for me either as I cleaned her wound and flushed her pic lines.
Still trying to get one perscription from the pharmacy that Dr. Lambert wanted her to have.  The problem is the insurance company.  They have to approve it.  Makes me crazy!  Tell me, who knows best? The doctor or the freaken (Lana's word) insurance company.  And it's not just any doctor, its HER doctor!!  The one that knows her inside and out - litter-ally. 
She is napping good right now with a smile on her face even.
This is the e-mail Abby resent to me this morning from her Dr.'s appt.  Thanks Abby!

Just returned from Tam's doctor appointment.  A very good report!
Dr. Lambert has taken away at least half her medications - so, no longer 4 dozen meds now its only 2 dozen.
Naw, she was taking 14 now she is down to 6!!! AND NO MORE IV's!!! or any antibiotics that make her so nauseated! (I was just getting good at giving IV's! humph) 
All of her vital's are good.  Blood preasure, body temp, pulse, oxygen level and her white blood count has stayed good.  But - she is too skinny.  She is now weighing a whoppen 91.2!!  So its root beer floats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  No low fat yogurt for her.  No low fat or fat free anything!!
Her wound is doing really well also.  She can now take the dressing off and rinse the wound in the shower.  The bandage size is now about 2x4 inches. (Its kind of a neat little hole. She could hide valuables in there)
Dr. Lambert talked about Tam going home and finish healing there.  But she needs to get her strength back before she makes any kind of a journey.  So without all these extra meds with the crazy side effects (nausea) hopefully she will fatten up some.
Don't know yet if the bladder has repaired itself so she will stay on a catherater for a while longer.
Her drainage tube from the stomach cavity has less drainage so that is another sign of healing.
So now I am off to redo her medication chart.  It will be a breeze now.