Team Tami

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Can I Thank Them All??????

Hi Friends and Family.....
A beautiful day here in Worcester and Tami had a pretty good day....For some reason she's had a headache most of the day....probably just her body trying to regulate everything.  We started early reading a few scriptures from Alma and talking about What Alma taught his 3 boys, Helaman, Shiblon and Corianton....and how he tried to help each one by telling them different things and teaching them what he felt like they individually needed.  Then Tami fell asleep for another 45 minutes.  We spent the day resting, preparing foods....(I made another batch of rice pudding this morning while she rested after breakfast.) She likes to have pudding for snack sometimes.  We took a little walk up Cedar Street tonight and again marvelled at the huge old buildings and their decor.....these would really look out of place back home.  One was a huge old brick building....(Tami and I commented on how it looked a little spooky) that houses the Children's Friend for abused children and across the street are more buuildings for family support and the children's Friend Cottage.  Quite a comglomeration of architecture here.
Today we made decisions on Tami probably not coming home with me and arranging my flight plans and Lana's coming out next.  Abby's dear mom wants to help with expenses for Lana's flight....Tami just can't hardly believe how generous and kind people have been.....and she says to me....."Judy, how will I ever thank everyone....I'll never be able to express my thanks enough."  It's overwhelming to her because she would like to individually write to each and everyone....and how can she????
Lana will be here on Sunday and I"ll be coming home Tuesday....So Lana and I can catch up and clean and get her a car, etc.  That will be good to have a couple of days of catch-up before I go.  I really didn't want to leave her and she has tried to be so positive that she could come home with me.....but.....she simply doesn't have the strength and we really would like her to get rid of a couple of tubes before she comes back so there would be less chance of maybe in a couple of weeks.....We hope...we hope....we hope....We made that decision after Dr. Lambert called and said she couldn't contact Dr. Blute today from Urology because he was in surgery all day.....we've just had a lot of unknowns so we made decisions with what we knew and how Tami felt today.   Anyway....know we love and care for you all and thank the Lord for the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best people on earth.
Love, Judy and Tam

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