Team Tami

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

A special gift to Tami......Inspired words for George!

One more thing today......A few weeks ago, Ralene Montgomery a good friend from West Point e-mailed Tami saying they had similar tastes in Country Music......especially that of the one and Only Mr. George Strait.  She said He has always been my favorite also.  With her ingeniuity and creativity she rewrote "Amarillo by Mornin'" with words written just for our Tami.  She stuck as closely to the original form as possible, stating, "It's not my intent to destroy such a wonderful song"  But we think this versions an amazing re-creation.....Tami and & I sang along with George with the new words.......

Amarillo by mornin'
Layin' here all alone.
Everything that I got
to wear, is this dumb gown!
When that sun is high, you know, so am I,
Those darn pain pills make me loopy, I swear.
On my pillow this mornin'
When on pain pills, I don't care!
They took out all of my innards,
Some they tossed, some they let stay,
Lost my spleen and appendix somewhere along the way,
I ain't feelin' so great,
But I will...just wait!
All my friends have been so kind.
On my pillow this mornin'
With a marathon on my mind.
On my pillow this mornin'
Layin' here all alone.
Everything that I got
to wear, is this dumb gown.
I ain't got a dime
'Cause they took what's mine,
I ain't rich, 'cause surgery ain't free.
On my pillow this mornin'
But at home's where I'll soon be!

1 comment:

  1. That was a great song, Ralene! I almost like this one better! Combining Momma and George? I think we have a hit! We oughtta send it to good ol' George and see what he thinks;) I love you so much, Momma! Get better soon! You're always on my mind, and always (always) in my prayers (always.) Thanks for taking care of my momma, by the way, Jude. I so appreciate you! Love, Maddie
