Team Tami

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just trying to mend each day!

And I want to say "Gold Medal to Abby for terrific care and attention to detail"
Thanks Abby....trying to keep track of Tami's meds and helping her has been a big job for Abby....and I for one am truly appreciative for her sacrifice and service for a good friend.....

Today was a much better day.  After a good shower, hair curled and makeup on she felt like a real person.  No nausea today, so far!  ( we still have that cussid IV to do - but she did good on the a.m. IV)
We are getting a handle on the spacing of the meds. This is a big reason why massage therapy was so attractive to pursue!  Can't even pronounce these names on the medication bottles! 
     She had a rootbeer float and corn chowder for super.  Not a lot but doing better in quanitiy.
     Tomorrow she has an appt with Dr. Lambert.  That could be good or bad.  We are hoping she will remain here at Hope Lodge.  If this were Tuesday morning, there is where she would be headed, but I think everyday she is getting a bit stronger again.  We just have to stop the set-backs!
     She misses being at home with her girls and hubby but knows this is the best place to be right now.  She is so appreciative of all your support.  And I say keep it coming.
     If you have questions send us an email or text.

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