Team Tami

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Friday, October 19, 2012

More good days than bad....and Detroit won!

Hi Everyone.....
It's late, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would write a couple of things about Tami.  The past couple of weeks seem better to me than the 2 before that.  She has more good days than bad and she got on the scale today with all her clothes on of course and the scale read 100 lbs........We were excited although I think part of that is water weight from steroids, but what the said 100 lbs.  Mom and I were at her house for the bulk of the afternoon and she looked good and was up and moving about and eating.  It just seemed good to see her thinking about a few other things than being sick.  Tim and Tam were watching the American League final with Detroit (Tim's home town) and New York.  Tim was excited that his team won. He was waiting for phone calls concerning some work applications he had submitted and he received 2 while we were there.   Tim had made clam chowder and chicken and dumplings that we all shared.  He's been good to Tami and worried and taken the care that she has needed,  for that I am grateful.  Mom made a fresh strawberry pie (Tami's favorite) while we were there and it was half gone by the time we left.  (Of course we shared:)).  We also shared some homemade bread that a friend had made, along with some fresh raspberry jam made by Abby.  All in all it was a good day. 

She still has some trouble and pain with all her tubing and can't wait for the time that she can have those removed and press forward to heal better.  She hopes that can be done sometime in November, but that will be up to Dr. Lambert.  She wanted Tami to weigh at least 105 before she thought of going in to fix her colon and bladder more completely.  She said the weight will actually aid in the healing process.

Well, it's been a year and 2 months since we were told she would only make it six, so for me, mom, family, friends and Tim & girls......what a blessing.  None of us know from day to day when our number is up, but it seems we have all had enough of a blessing in Tami to appreciate, love and relish the time we have.  Each minute is a precious gift that we might lift each other along this road of life.  I have been lifted just by having the opportunity to share in her recovery, if only just a little bit.  I hope many of you feel the same way.

We realize that many of you have paved your own road with struggles and tears....I guess it's just universal that we become lifted by the struggles of others.  We hope that all is going well for you and I'll try to post when Tami may be going back to Boston to have that other surgery.  We'd sure like to get her better for the holidays.


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