Team Tami

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Monday, November 26, 2012

I lost count of her surgeries..........

Well, another one for the books.....Dr. Lambert has done all she could do to help our Tami.  The hours spent in Tami's behalf are adding up to be a record I'm sure. 

She's out of surgery and back into the ICU.  I talked to Tim tonigt and Julie drove him back to the Lodge.  Julie is Tami's friend and her husband Kevin is battling Leukemia in the same hospital. Tim stayed with Tami all night last night and so he's tuckered out.  There really is no place to hardly sit in the ICU and the nurses like it better if no one is around. 

Tami made it through again but is struggling to stay out of pain......Now our prayers are that she will be able to heal from the inside out and again feel Sunshine on her shoulders.  Her insides are pretty beaten up from so many surgeries and scar tissue, but there is always hope that little miracles can happen.  I believe they do and can.  Mom was at Lana's today and always enjoys Lana taking care of her.  Mom also stopped by my home for a couple of hours and I enjoyed her being here.  She feels so bad for Tami and a prayer and song is constantly in her heart.  When there is absolutely nothing we can do to make her better.....we look to the only source of true healing.....I know Tami has faith to be healed......we know her health is in The Lord's hands.
We love you all


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