Team Tami

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Song...I know Heavenly Father Loves me

Happy Thanksgiving...and we hope you all had a good one. 

Tami is still in the hospital and when cali called her while we were having our Thanksgiving feast, Cali asked her if she had anything to say to us all.  She just wanted us all to sing, "I know Heavenly Father Loves me."......It goes.....

Whenever I hear the song of a bird
or look at the blue, blue sky.
Whenever I feel the rain on my face,
or the wind as it rushes by.....
whenever I touch a velvet rose
or walk by a lilac tree
I'm glad thatI live in this wonderful world
Heavenly Father created for me.

He gave me my eyes that I may see
the color of butterfly wings
He gave me my ears that I may hear
the magical sounds of things
He gave me my lips, my heart, my mind,
I thank Him reverently
for all His creations of which I'm a part.....
yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me.

There may be a couple of words I didn't get just right, but you get the drift.  I couldn't sing a darn word, because those water-works in my eyes got all messed up, but it sure sounded good as everyone sang.

I spoke with her tonight and she would like to think that she could come home by the 1st of December....I won't discourage her, it just doesnt' seem like things fall into place that fast, but we'll wait, and watch and see.

Mom still made a fresh strawberry pie like she always does for Tami.  The rest of us enjoyed, but we know who it was really made for....even though she wasn't there.
Tim ate at the Hope Lodge.  They had 5 there for Thanksgiving Dinner. 

We all can be thankful this day for so many things.......Thank the Lord for them all


1 comment:

  1. Don't know if you will get this in time, but I am teaching RS this Sunday and the lesson is on missionary work. I was hoping Tami could write a few words on how serving a mission helps other people's lives and then I could read it during the lesson.
    Susie Delozier
