Team Tami

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Letter written April 16th/Evening

Hello from Boston……Not much to report…Tami has felt about 60-70% all day….tired and not much energy.  We did go out about 7:00 tonight.  Tami wanted to find a Dunkin Donut.  The first one was closed, the second one was in a hospital….but they didn’t have her favorite from her mission,  Chocolate cream inside and powdered sugar outside. 

There’s a cute little garden sitting area out to the side of our “Hope Lodge” It has a hope rock, a sitting angel a mini waterfall and just a peaceful atmosphere.  There are Hope messages throughout the Lodge.

Here’s a joke from my plane ride.  We had a hard landing in Chicago…..the stewardess came over the intercom and said…That was not the captains fault…..That was not the crew’s fault….that was not our fault…….It was the  “Asphalt”  The whole plane erupted in laughter!

I got up about 11:00 which would have been 9:00 at home….Tami got up about 2:30 and we went down to eat about 4:30.  On Mondays a local food establishment delivers food for donation. Today it was tortellini in sauce and a nice salad.  The cake lady also comes on Mondays and delivered an apple pecan cake and ice cream.

  We met several new people, even one whose name is Peter…I couldn’t help but Laugh out loud when she said, “how are you doing Peter?  She didn’t get it, but just said his name until I told the special fellow that she called everyone she loves PeterJ..then she burst out laughing…..

One came in while we were all eating, he has the same cancer as Tam’s and is going in for surgery tomorrow with Tami’s same Dr.  (He’s also doing the “Hipec” which is Tami’s surgery)  ….Tami was anxious to talk with his friend and found out that Jay is 38 and they just found his cancer in January.  He also has stage 4….I guess we’ll find out about the surgery tomorrow.

 Tami is down watching the news right now in the kitchen area…she feels a little claustrophobic in our room, still we’re thankful for it,  for the people who donate money here, bring food, etc.  It’s quite a little club of wonderful people who are all fighting for their lives…..melanoma, tumors behind eyes, brain tumors, 3 who had bone marrow transplants.  They laugh at themselves but all are positive and friendly.    Tami feels like she needs to rub shoulders with all the people here and try to feel a part of her new club….the cancer club…. and embrace it and enjoy it for what it is.

Tami also feels a little “Fenced in”  in fact, she keeps singing…”Don’t fence me in!!!!!!!!   because of curfew….but she says it’s probably the best rule for her so she can’t go out cruisin’ or running when she feels the best at late night.  She gets after me for not going out and taking the car and searching out the area.  I told her I came with the intent that I would do what she wanted to do and I had no agenda.  You don’t see me out running races either.  She wants to do a lot of things…go to the temple…go see Kemper, Abby’s daughter..but I don’t know if she’ll have the energy, plain & simple…I’m not going to wake her up and say:  Tami, if we’re going you’ve got to wake up….If I weren’t here she wouldn’t be pushed and that was my goal…to let her do what she feels like doing.

Well…enough of my rambling…I keep busy reading, resting, and just talking with Tam.  It’s good she’s alone downstairs, that’s good for her and her reflection J
We love you all and hope all is well at home…I hope you did good tonight Russell in your guitar performance at Weber State.

Love Judy

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