Team Tami

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

I wish I could speed things up!!!

Hi Everyone......
There are a few who are out of state that would like to hear a bit more about Tami.  Well, we wish things were better, but her tubes are still giving her trouble.  The two kidney tubes have been blocked the past couple of days and so needless to say, she doesn't feel well.  It's Sunday night and Tim is planning to take Tami to the hospital in the morning to see if they can unplug the tubes or if they need to be reinserted.  She had a couple of good days last week but we're still not satisfied that she is healing well and gaining weight.  Tami's hopes are still up, she's still fighting, we put her story into the marathon committee in St. George to see if she can be pushed during the marathon if she feels up to it, and all in all, we're all hoping and praying she'll recover.....In the meantime.....we just Fight to the Finish and smile all we can.


1 comment:

  1. Please tell Tami we love her and think about her often. She is an amazing person with a very unique and special spirit. I'm so glad to have met her. She's in our prayers. We love you Tami!
