Happy New Year Tomorrow........
I just had a good visit with Tami and Tim after yet another Doctor's appointment. Things went well and they're trying to help Tami and get her well enough so she could visit at home to get Maddie to the Temple and have her missionary farewell. I think most of you know that Madison is leaving on February 13th for the Denver Colorado South Mission. Tami would like to be able to fly home and go through the temple and then return to Massachusetts to finish her healing. Dr. Lambert siad that might be a real possibility. At some point, she would like to get to the point that she can eat and drink and feel like she is doing well enough to leave her important insurance and Dr. who cares and loves her. That may take 1 or two months or 6 or more months. Dr. Lambert doesn't know for sure how she will heal and so we just take it a week or two at a time. We think Tim might be able to come home in a couple of weeks and then go from there. All in all, we look forward to another year and in some ways we're glad we can't see what it is that our trial for this year may be. If Tami had known what last year had in store for her......she may have turned tail and ran....but not knowing, we put our trust in the Lord and go forth each day and do the best we can. Tami sounds good, she feels relatively well and longs for a good cold glass of water..........
But knowing she can't, her spirits are still good, she has hope to heal and she has actually helped me to do better by thinking of her and changing a little myself. Isn't it a wonder that those we love can inspire us to be better by what they suffer? All in all I was pleased with the fact that they had a wonderful Christmas with her family, her hopes are up and she looks forward to a better year.
Love, Judy
Team Tami
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Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Gifts of Christmas..........
Merry Christmas......
A Christmas miracle in that Tami is at the Hope Lodge with her girls and Tim for Christmas and they went to see Les Miserables in Woosta. Tami is very weak and tired but to hear her on the phone this evening gave me great peace and hope for Tami. I don't think any of us can comprehend her going without food and water....she said it was like being on a 40-day fast......and endure the ravages of her body.......She said a day doesn't go by that she doesn's think of the words and feel of the faith and peace of........"Be Still and know that I am God". Her faith is strong.....her hope is great....and her spirit is strong. What greater gift could we as her family have today than her gift of love and life. And what a gift to have so many send cards and letters and the gift of a ward member to fly the girls back to be with their mom and dad for Christmas. The gift of friends who take care of the girls and have given so much of their means and time. The gift of the American Cancer Society at Hope Lodge for their untiring efforts and funds to have a place in the inn for all who have been to help and Love. Words could not adequately express Tim and Tami's thanks and the thanks of her extended family for all everyone has done. This has been truly a Christmas to remember. May your days be merry and Bright.........................
With Love,
A Christmas miracle in that Tami is at the Hope Lodge with her girls and Tim for Christmas and they went to see Les Miserables in Woosta. Tami is very weak and tired but to hear her on the phone this evening gave me great peace and hope for Tami. I don't think any of us can comprehend her going without food and water....she said it was like being on a 40-day fast......and endure the ravages of her body.......She said a day doesn't go by that she doesn's think of the words and feel of the faith and peace of........"Be Still and know that I am God". Her faith is strong.....her hope is great....and her spirit is strong. What greater gift could we as her family have today than her gift of love and life. And what a gift to have so many send cards and letters and the gift of a ward member to fly the girls back to be with their mom and dad for Christmas. The gift of friends who take care of the girls and have given so much of their means and time. The gift of the American Cancer Society at Hope Lodge for their untiring efforts and funds to have a place in the inn for all who have been to help and Love. Words could not adequately express Tim and Tami's thanks and the thanks of her extended family for all everyone has done. This has been truly a Christmas to remember. May your days be merry and Bright.........................
With Love,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
A good day..........
Hi Everyone,
It's been a few days since we've posted and we're just hoping each day for the best and with Tami's new IV nutrition, she seems to be feeling better and even up and taking a shower and a walk today. Those things seem like little things to us, but They are giant steps to Tami. Marsha said she got to talk to Tami today and said she sounded good. Each day really seems like a miracle after all her set backs.....even Dr. Lambert asked Tim if she could share her testimony about life's miracles with operating and working with Tami. As I stepped outside tonight with the wind blowing, the sun setting, the geese flying overhead, my heart was full of Thanksgiving for the little miracles and the blessings the Lord has given us all. The road is long and hard, but each day is a gift from God and we just thank Him for letting us have the journey. We hope Tami can heal rapidly and soon be again in out midst.
Love, Judy
It's been a few days since we've posted and we're just hoping each day for the best and with Tami's new IV nutrition, she seems to be feeling better and even up and taking a shower and a walk today. Those things seem like little things to us, but They are giant steps to Tami. Marsha said she got to talk to Tami today and said she sounded good. Each day really seems like a miracle after all her set backs.....even Dr. Lambert asked Tim if she could share her testimony about life's miracles with operating and working with Tami. As I stepped outside tonight with the wind blowing, the sun setting, the geese flying overhead, my heart was full of Thanksgiving for the little miracles and the blessings the Lord has given us all. The road is long and hard, but each day is a gift from God and we just thank Him for letting us have the journey. We hope Tami can heal rapidly and soon be again in out midst.
Love, Judy
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
She made it through another scare.....
Another scare, another surgery, and I got to hear her say.....Hey Jude........She is really quite amazing. Her faith is strong, she's tired and ready to start feeling better and we're on the sidelines cheering with all our energy and hearts. She had some more problems this afternoon and Dr. Lambert is about out of magic tricks. The head surgeon assisted Dr. Lambert tonight and after cleaning her inside again......they couldn't find a leak so they closed her back up. Tim feels like he has witnessed a miracle and after feeling all was lost this afternoon, his spirits are up and he hopes for the best. Before Tami went into surgery, she told Tim, "It will be all right". She has been the one to strengthen Tim at times. Tim went back to the Hope Lodge tonight after Tami was resting in the ICU. She still has a long road to travel but again.....she's in the Lord's hands and there is a continuous transmission of prayers heading upwards and with Tami's faith she surely will be blessed.
With Thankful Heart
With Thankful Heart
Monday, November 26, 2012
I lost count of her surgeries..........
Well, another one for the books.....Dr. Lambert has done all she could do to help our Tami. The hours spent in Tami's behalf are adding up to be a record I'm sure.
She's out of surgery and back into the ICU. I talked to Tim tonigt and Julie drove him back to the Lodge. Julie is Tami's friend and her husband Kevin is battling Leukemia in the same hospital. Tim stayed with Tami all night last night and so he's tuckered out. There really is no place to hardly sit in the ICU and the nurses like it better if no one is around.
Tami made it through again but is struggling to stay out of pain......Now our prayers are that she will be able to heal from the inside out and again feel Sunshine on her shoulders. Her insides are pretty beaten up from so many surgeries and scar tissue, but there is always hope that little miracles can happen. I believe they do and can. Mom was at Lana's today and always enjoys Lana taking care of her. Mom also stopped by my home for a couple of hours and I enjoyed her being here. She feels so bad for Tami and a prayer and song is constantly in her heart. When there is absolutely nothing we can do to make her better.....we look to the only source of true healing.....I know Tami has faith to be healed......we know her health is in The Lord's hands.
We love you all
She's out of surgery and back into the ICU. I talked to Tim tonigt and Julie drove him back to the Lodge. Julie is Tami's friend and her husband Kevin is battling Leukemia in the same hospital. Tim stayed with Tami all night last night and so he's tuckered out. There really is no place to hardly sit in the ICU and the nurses like it better if no one is around.
Tami made it through again but is struggling to stay out of pain......Now our prayers are that she will be able to heal from the inside out and again feel Sunshine on her shoulders. Her insides are pretty beaten up from so many surgeries and scar tissue, but there is always hope that little miracles can happen. I believe they do and can. Mom was at Lana's today and always enjoys Lana taking care of her. Mom also stopped by my home for a couple of hours and I enjoyed her being here. She feels so bad for Tami and a prayer and song is constantly in her heart. When there is absolutely nothing we can do to make her better.....we look to the only source of true healing.....I know Tami has faith to be healed......we know her health is in The Lord's hands.
We love you all
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Tami fights another battle.....Yes I Can
Hi Everyone....
I arrived at the cabin on Friday morning after Thanksgiving and thought of a year ago when Tami was with us.....but when I arrived, I received a phone call from Tim telling me that Tami had to go in for emergency surgery. She had another break in her insides and even though she had just eaten, Dr. Lambert trumped another Doctor and took her in immediately. Over 5 hours later She told Tim that Tami was tough and she thought she'd make it through.........They didn't close her up because she's going back into surgery on Monday. Her insides were inflamed and so they're treating that and then trying to fix things up again. All of these happenings tend to make us contemplative and we all hurt so much for her. I found myself thinking of her, her unconquerable spirit and faith, and yet her concern for all that needs to heal. We're so thankful that Tim is with her and doing the best he can to support her and lift her spirits when he's also alone back there. This whole trauma of being so far away when we can't be with her has been a dilemma that has pressed us all to wonder why it had to be this way....but "Chin Up, Wilbur"......Our prayers and fasting have taken on a whole new meaning and we've all looked to the Lord with hope and faith and trust. Tami always said....."I feel like I'm going to get better, I just don't know what I've got to go through to get there". Well, we know that hasn't been easy, but she's still fighting. Mom talked to her tonight. Tami wanted to hear mom's voice and knew that Mom's prayers have a tendency to get a little higher that some others. She still needs our faith and prayers. We also know that each of us in different ways need those hopes and prayers also. Thanks for your concern for our dear one....we so love her......
I arrived at the cabin on Friday morning after Thanksgiving and thought of a year ago when Tami was with us.....but when I arrived, I received a phone call from Tim telling me that Tami had to go in for emergency surgery. She had another break in her insides and even though she had just eaten, Dr. Lambert trumped another Doctor and took her in immediately. Over 5 hours later She told Tim that Tami was tough and she thought she'd make it through.........They didn't close her up because she's going back into surgery on Monday. Her insides were inflamed and so they're treating that and then trying to fix things up again. All of these happenings tend to make us contemplative and we all hurt so much for her. I found myself thinking of her, her unconquerable spirit and faith, and yet her concern for all that needs to heal. We're so thankful that Tim is with her and doing the best he can to support her and lift her spirits when he's also alone back there. This whole trauma of being so far away when we can't be with her has been a dilemma that has pressed us all to wonder why it had to be this way....but "Chin Up, Wilbur"......Our prayers and fasting have taken on a whole new meaning and we've all looked to the Lord with hope and faith and trust. Tami always said....."I feel like I'm going to get better, I just don't know what I've got to go through to get there". Well, we know that hasn't been easy, but she's still fighting. Mom talked to her tonight. Tami wanted to hear mom's voice and knew that Mom's prayers have a tendency to get a little higher that some others. She still needs our faith and prayers. We also know that each of us in different ways need those hopes and prayers also. Thanks for your concern for our dear one....we so love her......
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Song...I know Heavenly Father Loves me
Happy Thanksgiving...and we hope you all had a good one.
Tami is still in the hospital and when cali called her while we were having our Thanksgiving feast, Cali asked her if she had anything to say to us all. She just wanted us all to sing, "I know Heavenly Father Loves me."......It goes.....
Whenever I hear the song of a bird
or look at the blue, blue sky.
Whenever I feel the rain on my face,
or the wind as it rushes by.....
whenever I touch a velvet rose
or walk by a lilac tree
I'm glad thatI live in this wonderful world
Heavenly Father created for me.
He gave me my eyes that I may see
the color of butterfly wings
He gave me my ears that I may hear
the magical sounds of things
He gave me my lips, my heart, my mind,
I thank Him reverently
for all His creations of which I'm a part.....
yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me.
There may be a couple of words I didn't get just right, but you get the drift. I couldn't sing a darn word, because those water-works in my eyes got all messed up, but it sure sounded good as everyone sang.
I spoke with her tonight and she would like to think that she could come home by the 1st of December....I won't discourage her, it just doesnt' seem like things fall into place that fast, but we'll wait, and watch and see.
Mom still made a fresh strawberry pie like she always does for Tami. The rest of us enjoyed, but we know who it was really made for....even though she wasn't there.
Tim ate at the Hope Lodge. They had 5 there for Thanksgiving Dinner.
We all can be thankful this day for so many things.......Thank the Lord for them all
Tami is still in the hospital and when cali called her while we were having our Thanksgiving feast, Cali asked her if she had anything to say to us all. She just wanted us all to sing, "I know Heavenly Father Loves me."......It goes.....
Whenever I hear the song of a bird
or look at the blue, blue sky.
Whenever I feel the rain on my face,
or the wind as it rushes by.....
whenever I touch a velvet rose
or walk by a lilac tree
I'm glad thatI live in this wonderful world
Heavenly Father created for me.
He gave me my eyes that I may see
the color of butterfly wings
He gave me my ears that I may hear
the magical sounds of things
He gave me my lips, my heart, my mind,
I thank Him reverently
for all His creations of which I'm a part.....
yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me.
There may be a couple of words I didn't get just right, but you get the drift. I couldn't sing a darn word, because those water-works in my eyes got all messed up, but it sure sounded good as everyone sang.
I spoke with her tonight and she would like to think that she could come home by the 1st of December....I won't discourage her, it just doesnt' seem like things fall into place that fast, but we'll wait, and watch and see.
Mom still made a fresh strawberry pie like she always does for Tami. The rest of us enjoyed, but we know who it was really made for....even though she wasn't there.
Tim ate at the Hope Lodge. They had 5 there for Thanksgiving Dinner.
We all can be thankful this day for so many things.......Thank the Lord for them all
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hi Everyone,
I only got to speak with Tim a short time today, but he was nervous to go to the hospital this morning because he knew Tam had had a bad night with pain. They took the epidural away and she struggles with pain pills, but today they got her the other pain medication that she can push a button for, its intravenous, and Tim said that she got her pain under control and was having a much better aternoon. He said the hospital would like to release her but Dr. Lambert has been a bit more cautious......probably by Thursday, so we'll see. Tim said Dr. Blute seemed optimistic that the surgery should solve many of her problems.....that would be soooooo nice. I'm glad Tim could go be with her for Thanksgiving..... Last year at this time Tami was feeling about the best she had felt. She went with some of my family to the cabin to cut Christmas Trees the day after Thanksgiving. We did snow angels in the snow and enjoyed our time together there. Now we're getting ready to go again and another void is there.....but I'm thankful she's where she is.....and still kickin........(if you know what I mean). We have much to be thankful for, so we'll concentrate on that......
I only got to speak with Tim a short time today, but he was nervous to go to the hospital this morning because he knew Tam had had a bad night with pain. They took the epidural away and she struggles with pain pills, but today they got her the other pain medication that she can push a button for, its intravenous, and Tim said that she got her pain under control and was having a much better aternoon. He said the hospital would like to release her but Dr. Lambert has been a bit more cautious......probably by Thursday, so we'll see. Tim said Dr. Blute seemed optimistic that the surgery should solve many of her problems.....that would be soooooo nice. I'm glad Tim could go be with her for Thanksgiving..... Last year at this time Tami was feeling about the best she had felt. She went with some of my family to the cabin to cut Christmas Trees the day after Thanksgiving. We did snow angels in the snow and enjoyed our time together there. Now we're getting ready to go again and another void is there.....but I'm thankful she's where she is.....and still kickin........(if you know what I mean). We have much to be thankful for, so we'll concentrate on that......
Monday, November 19, 2012
Hope Lodge for Thanksgiving?????
Hi all.....
Just a couple of updates today. Tim didn't leave until 3:30 this afternoon so he won't be there until about midnight, but he said in talking to Dr. Lambert today, it was a good thing he was going because Tami may be released to the Hope Lodge tomorrow. Tami has to have a caregiver if she is unable to totally care for herself, such as in this case. She is still in pain but feeling a bit better......We just hope she gets all better and can find many things to be thankful for at this particular time of year. I'll write more after I speak to Tim tomorrow.
Just a couple of updates today. Tim didn't leave until 3:30 this afternoon so he won't be there until about midnight, but he said in talking to Dr. Lambert today, it was a good thing he was going because Tami may be released to the Hope Lodge tomorrow. Tami has to have a caregiver if she is unable to totally care for herself, such as in this case. She is still in pain but feeling a bit better......We just hope she gets all better and can find many things to be thankful for at this particular time of year. I'll write more after I speak to Tim tomorrow.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Small and Simple Things.......
Hi Everyone
Tami sent me an e-mail so I thought I would share some of her thoughts. She said she felt better today because the epidural was helping with the pain so she didn't get nauseated. She took a walk with the nurse but her legs almost buckled because of the epidural. She said, "I'm learning the meaning of slowing down to a grateful pace" and she was thankful that her diet changed from clear liquid to at least tomato soup and ice cream. She said those small and simple thing help me.....such as a walk, soup and ice cream.
Dr. Blute and Dr. Lambert both stopped by and told her again that her surgery was successful and Tami said, "I'm Thankful to be alive." Dr. Lambert said she could still run and swim...(and I think that is a optimistic vision in Tami's mind to fight to the finish)......
She was able to set up for a couple of hours today and also paint with her pencils...she was very thankful she had those there and was also thankful for the nurse from the 6th floor who also gave her some supplies.
Tim is flying out on Monday at 6:00 AM to be with Tami.......We're all thankful for that. She said she had an appointment with Dr. Blute on the 29th of November and she was hoping they might be able to remove attached tubing if all goes well......that would be a wonderful little miracle.
Tami called Mom tonight and that gave mom much comfort. Mom has fasted and sung hymns to feel the peace of the Lord, and hearing Tami's voice tonight lifted her spirits. There's nothing like the love of a mother. That is also why Tami would rather Tim be home with the girls. Tami's hopes are up and I told her I hope she can feel our love and prayers and hope streaming through the airways and across the miles that she may feel of our support and love.
A few of you have asked for Tami's address. I know Tim will be at the Hope Lodge on Monday so you could send your cards there.
American Cancer Society Hope Lodge
7 Oak Street
Worcester, Ma 01604
Love, Judy
Tami sent me an e-mail so I thought I would share some of her thoughts. She said she felt better today because the epidural was helping with the pain so she didn't get nauseated. She took a walk with the nurse but her legs almost buckled because of the epidural. She said, "I'm learning the meaning of slowing down to a grateful pace" and she was thankful that her diet changed from clear liquid to at least tomato soup and ice cream. She said those small and simple thing help me.....such as a walk, soup and ice cream.
Dr. Blute and Dr. Lambert both stopped by and told her again that her surgery was successful and Tami said, "I'm Thankful to be alive." Dr. Lambert said she could still run and swim...(and I think that is a optimistic vision in Tami's mind to fight to the finish)......
She was able to set up for a couple of hours today and also paint with her pencils...she was very thankful she had those there and was also thankful for the nurse from the 6th floor who also gave her some supplies.
Tim is flying out on Monday at 6:00 AM to be with Tami.......We're all thankful for that. She said she had an appointment with Dr. Blute on the 29th of November and she was hoping they might be able to remove attached tubing if all goes well......that would be a wonderful little miracle.
Tami called Mom tonight and that gave mom much comfort. Mom has fasted and sung hymns to feel the peace of the Lord, and hearing Tami's voice tonight lifted her spirits. There's nothing like the love of a mother. That is also why Tami would rather Tim be home with the girls. Tami's hopes are up and I told her I hope she can feel our love and prayers and hope streaming through the airways and across the miles that she may feel of our support and love.
A few of you have asked for Tami's address. I know Tim will be at the Hope Lodge on Monday so you could send your cards there.
American Cancer Society Hope Lodge
7 Oak Street
Worcester, Ma 01604
Love, Judy
Friday, November 16, 2012
make-up......and pain.......
Hello Everyone......
Not a lot to report after surgery......except of course she's in pain.....but I heard not too much to not at least put on some make-up. Tim called the nurse and asked her to go give Tami a kiss on the cheek and tell her it was from her loving husband. Tim told Tami he was coming out and she still would like him to stay home for a few days to be with the girls. I do think we all feel the need to be with her, but she insists that we need to be there for Hope Lodge so please stay home until we are essential. I think Tim may still try to find a flight on Monday or so.....so she's not alone on Thanksgiving. We'll still wait a day or two....it is really hard not to be there. Tami needs our fasting and prayers.......for those who feel so inclined. I know we all miss her uplifting spirit.
Love, Judy
Not a lot to report after surgery......except of course she's in pain.....but I heard not too much to not at least put on some make-up. Tim called the nurse and asked her to go give Tami a kiss on the cheek and tell her it was from her loving husband. Tim told Tami he was coming out and she still would like him to stay home for a few days to be with the girls. I do think we all feel the need to be with her, but she insists that we need to be there for Hope Lodge so please stay home until we are essential. I think Tim may still try to find a flight on Monday or so.....so she's not alone on Thanksgiving. We'll still wait a day or two....it is really hard not to be there. Tami needs our fasting and prayers.......for those who feel so inclined. I know we all miss her uplifting spirit.
Love, Judy
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Well.....A" long and complicated surgery," were Dr. Lambert's words but she seemed satisfied that Dr. Blute had been able to fix urology problems. All of her tubes are still in for now and we hope Tami's body will heal up well. She should be in the hospital for about a week and we'll go from there. Dr. Lambert was in a hurry when she talked to Tim because she was 45 minutes late for her clinic appointments so they may speak more in depth this evening. She doesn't have to go to the ICU at the present, so we hope she's sleeping and resting well and in no pain (yeah right.)
Love, Judy
Love, Judy
Operation day.....
Good Morning.....
By some small miracle Dr. Lambert was able to secure Dr. Blute the Urologist for a surgery this morning. They should be well into the surgery unless plans changed since yesterday. When I find out any particulars and how she is doing, I'll let you know. I spoke with Tami at length yesterday to try to determine what we should do as far as being there, She still convinced me that she will need a caregiver as soon as she is realeased from the hospital and that Dr. Lambert will keep Tim informed about circumstances there now. We pray that all will go well.
Love, Judy
By some small miracle Dr. Lambert was able to secure Dr. Blute the Urologist for a surgery this morning. They should be well into the surgery unless plans changed since yesterday. When I find out any particulars and how she is doing, I'll let you know. I spoke with Tami at length yesterday to try to determine what we should do as far as being there, She still convinced me that she will need a caregiver as soon as she is realeased from the hospital and that Dr. Lambert will keep Tim informed about circumstances there now. We pray that all will go well.
Love, Judy
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
still waiting.......
Hello everyone......
Day to day there doesn't seem to be a lot to report.....Tim said the water was turned off at the hospital today so it has put everything back and Doctors are shuffling trying to fit everything in. I think they were going to try to do a smaller operation this week but it may now have to wait. Tim also said that Deb from the Hope Lodge came and brought Tami her rollers so she could wash her hair and curl of course. Everyone has been so good to her. I also believe she was moved to the 7th floor today. Tami was a little hesitant because she had become such close friends of the good nurses on the 6th floor. If that's the case, she'll probably love the ones on the 7th floor too, don't you think? I spoke with her this morning and she feels good. She recognizes how bad she was feeling just a little at a time while she was here and the infection was getting her down. She said if was like getting "Poisoned by degrees". She feels much better now but still has some high enough counts for continued IV Therapy. We wish she was here with us but all of us are glad she is getting some much-needed care. She would so like to be here with Madison while she is preparing to go on her mission. Of course she misses Cali and Tiana Too....and don't forget Tim......It's just not the same at home without Mom there. Hug your family today for Tami, will You?
Love, Judy
Day to day there doesn't seem to be a lot to report.....Tim said the water was turned off at the hospital today so it has put everything back and Doctors are shuffling trying to fit everything in. I think they were going to try to do a smaller operation this week but it may now have to wait. Tim also said that Deb from the Hope Lodge came and brought Tami her rollers so she could wash her hair and curl of course. Everyone has been so good to her. I also believe she was moved to the 7th floor today. Tami was a little hesitant because she had become such close friends of the good nurses on the 6th floor. If that's the case, she'll probably love the ones on the 7th floor too, don't you think? I spoke with her this morning and she feels good. She recognizes how bad she was feeling just a little at a time while she was here and the infection was getting her down. She said if was like getting "Poisoned by degrees". She feels much better now but still has some high enough counts for continued IV Therapy. We wish she was here with us but all of us are glad she is getting some much-needed care. She would so like to be here with Madison while she is preparing to go on her mission. Of course she misses Cali and Tiana Too....and don't forget Tim......It's just not the same at home without Mom there. Hug your family today for Tami, will You?
Love, Judy
Monday, November 12, 2012
Testing, tubes, and No Breakfast.......
Hi Everyone,
Sorry it's late....Tami sent me a little e-mail letter today and she was sad she couldn't have breakfast this morning because they were replacing a kinked Kidney Tube. She said "It hurt" Even with the pain medication. Those have been a sore spot for her for a long time. The testing showed still a few minor problems that Dr. Lambert hopes she can fix easily when she gets in there. She does need the help of Dr. Blute, the Urologist and that may hold things up a bit. They were hoping to do it soon, but it still may have to wait until December 5th. She'll know more in the next couple of days. Things seem to have settled down with the Insurance problems, so we're hoping for a good resolution there also. We're still waiting before we send someone out there because we still are waiting for final decisions. She's being a tough cookie out there all by her lonesome......we're proud of you Tami.
Love, Judy
Sorry it's late....Tami sent me a little e-mail letter today and she was sad she couldn't have breakfast this morning because they were replacing a kinked Kidney Tube. She said "It hurt" Even with the pain medication. Those have been a sore spot for her for a long time. The testing showed still a few minor problems that Dr. Lambert hopes she can fix easily when she gets in there. She does need the help of Dr. Blute, the Urologist and that may hold things up a bit. They were hoping to do it soon, but it still may have to wait until December 5th. She'll know more in the next couple of days. Things seem to have settled down with the Insurance problems, so we're hoping for a good resolution there also. We're still waiting before we send someone out there because we still are waiting for final decisions. She's being a tough cookie out there all by her lonesome......we're proud of you Tami.
Love, Judy
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Not too bad for a hospital day :) ..................
Hi everyone....
I was over to Mom's tonight and we finally decided to call Tami....Mom sleeps better if she knows Tami is all right. Initial readings of her cat scan seemed good, but further reading has to be done, Dr. Lambert just said she liked what she could and couldn't see. Her Bacteria count is still high despite the IV therapy, but hopefully that should take care of itself in a few days.
Tomorrow they want to do the bladder test and make sure the kidney tubes are in the right place. They're trying to move along and get things done as soon as they can. Tami weighed in at a whopping 103 pounds with her hospital gown on.....that's up 16 pounds from her reading back in September, so we're proud of her for that.
Tami took her colored pencils and water colors and she spent some time today drawing and concentrating on details...she said that was therapeutic since she was tied down to her IV and couldn't go anywhere.....she did get them to take her for a walk a little later and she was excited to find the vending machine.....She said she could wiggle out and go the machines for twix bars and nacho chips and root beer. She said, "I Like Options." She gets a bit claustrophobic when she can't move around a bit.
The ward brought the sacrament to her today and Dr. Lambert spoke with the Relief Society President, Bator Lachman. All in all, Tami said she did not feel alone today and enjoyed the tranquility in her painting, (she compared her painting to mom's crocheting and how they can relax when doing those things) writing in her journal and speaking with Dr. Lambert and the missionaries who brought the sacrament. She's at least trying to convince us all that she is okay.....I think I believe her.....she sounded good over the phone.
I was over to Mom's tonight and we finally decided to call Tami....Mom sleeps better if she knows Tami is all right. Initial readings of her cat scan seemed good, but further reading has to be done, Dr. Lambert just said she liked what she could and couldn't see. Her Bacteria count is still high despite the IV therapy, but hopefully that should take care of itself in a few days.
Tomorrow they want to do the bladder test and make sure the kidney tubes are in the right place. They're trying to move along and get things done as soon as they can. Tami weighed in at a whopping 103 pounds with her hospital gown on.....that's up 16 pounds from her reading back in September, so we're proud of her for that.
Tami took her colored pencils and water colors and she spent some time today drawing and concentrating on details...she said that was therapeutic since she was tied down to her IV and couldn't go anywhere.....she did get them to take her for a walk a little later and she was excited to find the vending machine.....She said she could wiggle out and go the machines for twix bars and nacho chips and root beer. She said, "I Like Options." She gets a bit claustrophobic when she can't move around a bit.
The ward brought the sacrament to her today and Dr. Lambert spoke with the Relief Society President, Bator Lachman. All in all, Tami said she did not feel alone today and enjoyed the tranquility in her painting, (she compared her painting to mom's crocheting and how they can relax when doing those things) writing in her journal and speaking with Dr. Lambert and the missionaries who brought the sacrament. She's at least trying to convince us all that she is okay.....I think I believe her.....she sounded good over the phone.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Tender Mercies.........
Hi everyone.....
It's been a while since we've had very much to talk about.....but miracles are still happening. The flight this morning from Salt Lake was delayed about an hour....and her connecting flight in Detroit was under an hour. The flight waited for her and was about to page her and take off when she got there. If she didn't catch that flight, there was a 17 hour wait until the next one. She was a bit nauseated from all the hurry and scurry, but she wasn't real sick, (which I had worried about). What a blessing. She also had a special friend of Amy's (Abby's daughter) pick her up in Manchester, New Hampshire. Tami said she connected immediatley with this wonderful girl and they had a great visit on the way to Worcester. Another miracle. Since she is alone back there, these tender mercies are a great confort to Mom and the rest of us.
While she was waiting in the emergency room.....a wonderful friend from the Hope Lodge, Julie, met Tami. Julie was at the hospital with her husband, Kevin. Tami said, "I needed a hug and Julie needed a hug, that wasn't just a coincidence." Julie was the friend who crocheted a beautiful handkerchief for Tami while they were both at the Lodge. I also got to know Julie and Kevin. They are truly delightful and caring friends. So Tami felt loved and not alone one more time.
Dr. Lambert has tests ordered and a cat scan and hopes to make decisions rapidly. Tami said she was having some major problems with her tubes this evening, so had she been in Utah still, we would have had to take her to the emergency room here. Another miracle....to have her back there in the care of a Dr. who I believe truly loves Tami.
Tami says she does not feel alone tonight. She says she feels the Lord with her and all those wonderful angels who have connected with her today have shared their love and the Love of the Lord. Tami feels comforted in that.
Of course, those of us here feel helpless and we'll soon arrange someone to be with her. Tim is in Colorado driving home. He hit a bad storm so he may not get back until Monday Morning. We'll keep in touch.
All last week we have been trying to put wheels into motion to expedite decisions. But ultimately, Tami was the one who had to make them, and she felt a bit befuddled by the whole turn of circumstances. It was Dr. Lambert who told Tim that she hadn't had any epiphonies, but she felt strongly that Tami should be on the plane while she was still strong enough to fly. All in all we are grateful that Tami is back there and getting the care she needs.
Love Judy
It's been a while since we've had very much to talk about.....but miracles are still happening. The flight this morning from Salt Lake was delayed about an hour....and her connecting flight in Detroit was under an hour. The flight waited for her and was about to page her and take off when she got there. If she didn't catch that flight, there was a 17 hour wait until the next one. She was a bit nauseated from all the hurry and scurry, but she wasn't real sick, (which I had worried about). What a blessing. She also had a special friend of Amy's (Abby's daughter) pick her up in Manchester, New Hampshire. Tami said she connected immediatley with this wonderful girl and they had a great visit on the way to Worcester. Another miracle. Since she is alone back there, these tender mercies are a great confort to Mom and the rest of us.
While she was waiting in the emergency room.....a wonderful friend from the Hope Lodge, Julie, met Tami. Julie was at the hospital with her husband, Kevin. Tami said, "I needed a hug and Julie needed a hug, that wasn't just a coincidence." Julie was the friend who crocheted a beautiful handkerchief for Tami while they were both at the Lodge. I also got to know Julie and Kevin. They are truly delightful and caring friends. So Tami felt loved and not alone one more time.
Dr. Lambert has tests ordered and a cat scan and hopes to make decisions rapidly. Tami said she was having some major problems with her tubes this evening, so had she been in Utah still, we would have had to take her to the emergency room here. Another miracle....to have her back there in the care of a Dr. who I believe truly loves Tami.
Tami says she does not feel alone tonight. She says she feels the Lord with her and all those wonderful angels who have connected with her today have shared their love and the Love of the Lord. Tami feels comforted in that.
Of course, those of us here feel helpless and we'll soon arrange someone to be with her. Tim is in Colorado driving home. He hit a bad storm so he may not get back until Monday Morning. We'll keep in touch.
All last week we have been trying to put wheels into motion to expedite decisions. But ultimately, Tami was the one who had to make them, and she felt a bit befuddled by the whole turn of circumstances. It was Dr. Lambert who told Tim that she hadn't had any epiphonies, but she felt strongly that Tami should be on the plane while she was still strong enough to fly. All in all we are grateful that Tami is back there and getting the care she needs.
Love Judy
Off to Massachusetts......
Hi Everyone....
It's been an interesting couple of months since Tami came home to try to feel and get better....For the most part it has been a growing and healing time but with the knowledge that more surgeries were forthcoming. She's had an ongoing problem with the kidney tubes and last week she went back to the emergency room again with pain and found out she had a bacterial infection. Last Monday the hospital called and told her she had an infection that needed IV treatment and without it she wouldn't get beter. She was treated with an expensive antibiotic which did some good, but we knew she had to make plans soon. She has been trying to make plans but she felt like she was fighting the river so to speak and things weren't falling into place. Tim has been out of town with his job and we knew time was getting short for her treatment. Tim called and spoke with Dr. Lambert at length and as of today she is on the plane and headed to Massachusetts.
Abby took her to the airport this morning and she will soon be at UMass in the emergency room for treatment for her infection and possible surgeries. She's alone right now as she heads to the hospital and we'll soon make arrangements for someone to be with her. We don't know how long she'll be in the hospital or what her recovery time in Massachusetts will be. We only know that we all feel better with her in the hands of Dr. Lambert.
We feel bad for Madison who has put in her papers for her mission and was hoping that her mom would be here for Tuesday when she was going to go to the temple. I haven't spoken with her yet, but Tami was heartsick to talk to Maddie last night about what she had to do. Hopefully Tami will feel better soon and can come back to help Maddie off on her mission. Madison will probably postpone her Temple date to see if possibly Tami could be here.
Isn't life an interesting journey, with hills and valleys and rocks in our path but as President Hinckley said, there are beautiful vistas along the way. So we go along and hope some of those beautiful vistas come our way.
It's been an interesting couple of months since Tami came home to try to feel and get better....For the most part it has been a growing and healing time but with the knowledge that more surgeries were forthcoming. She's had an ongoing problem with the kidney tubes and last week she went back to the emergency room again with pain and found out she had a bacterial infection. Last Monday the hospital called and told her she had an infection that needed IV treatment and without it she wouldn't get beter. She was treated with an expensive antibiotic which did some good, but we knew she had to make plans soon. She has been trying to make plans but she felt like she was fighting the river so to speak and things weren't falling into place. Tim has been out of town with his job and we knew time was getting short for her treatment. Tim called and spoke with Dr. Lambert at length and as of today she is on the plane and headed to Massachusetts.
Abby took her to the airport this morning and she will soon be at UMass in the emergency room for treatment for her infection and possible surgeries. She's alone right now as she heads to the hospital and we'll soon make arrangements for someone to be with her. We don't know how long she'll be in the hospital or what her recovery time in Massachusetts will be. We only know that we all feel better with her in the hands of Dr. Lambert.
We feel bad for Madison who has put in her papers for her mission and was hoping that her mom would be here for Tuesday when she was going to go to the temple. I haven't spoken with her yet, but Tami was heartsick to talk to Maddie last night about what she had to do. Hopefully Tami will feel better soon and can come back to help Maddie off on her mission. Madison will probably postpone her Temple date to see if possibly Tami could be here.
Isn't life an interesting journey, with hills and valleys and rocks in our path but as President Hinckley said, there are beautiful vistas along the way. So we go along and hope some of those beautiful vistas come our way.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
A visit from a cousin....and FRENCH FRIES
Hi everyone.....
I went to moms tonight and Tim and Tami were there. Tami looked really good I thought and she said she went to one meeting today....that was a first......at least for a long time. She wanted to stay longer and visit with friends but all the excitement upset her stomach and she had to leave sooner than later. Her trying to heal is all unpredictable and making plans is a little stressful for her. That should all change given some time. Our cousin Lynn Kirkman came to visit and check on mom. When he came into the living room, Tami immediately remembered a time 24 years ago last month that he came and gave our Dad a special blessing. He was so sick and Lynn's blessing helped Dad along his way. Lynn stayed and gave Tami a blessing and we enjoyed our visit and then Marsha set to making homemade french fries from our brother's own spuds from Corrinne. When I left she was enjoying her share and looked great to me. Her stomach was a little up and down, but by this evening it had calmed down. We look forward to better days ahead.
I went to moms tonight and Tim and Tami were there. Tami looked really good I thought and she said she went to one meeting today....that was a first......at least for a long time. She wanted to stay longer and visit with friends but all the excitement upset her stomach and she had to leave sooner than later. Her trying to heal is all unpredictable and making plans is a little stressful for her. That should all change given some time. Our cousin Lynn Kirkman came to visit and check on mom. When he came into the living room, Tami immediately remembered a time 24 years ago last month that he came and gave our Dad a special blessing. He was so sick and Lynn's blessing helped Dad along his way. Lynn stayed and gave Tami a blessing and we enjoyed our visit and then Marsha set to making homemade french fries from our brother's own spuds from Corrinne. When I left she was enjoying her share and looked great to me. Her stomach was a little up and down, but by this evening it had calmed down. We look forward to better days ahead.
Friday, October 19, 2012
More good days than bad....and Detroit won!
Hi Everyone.....
It's late, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would write a couple of things about Tami. The past couple of weeks seem better to me than the 2 before that. She has more good days than bad and she got on the scale today with all her clothes on of course and the scale read 100 lbs........We were excited although I think part of that is water weight from steroids, but what the heck.....it said 100 lbs. Mom and I were at her house for the bulk of the afternoon and she looked good and was up and moving about and eating. It just seemed good to see her thinking about a few other things than being sick. Tim and Tam were watching the American League final with Detroit (Tim's home town) and New York. Tim was excited that his team won. He was waiting for phone calls concerning some work applications he had submitted and he received 2 while we were there. Tim had made clam chowder and chicken and dumplings that we all shared. He's been good to Tami and worried and taken the care that she has needed, for that I am grateful. Mom made a fresh strawberry pie (Tami's favorite) while we were there and it was half gone by the time we left. (Of course we shared:)). We also shared some homemade bread that a friend had made, along with some fresh raspberry jam made by Abby. All in all it was a good day.
She still has some trouble and pain with all her tubing and can't wait for the time that she can have those removed and press forward to heal better. She hopes that can be done sometime in November, but that will be up to Dr. Lambert. She wanted Tami to weigh at least 105 before she thought of going in to fix her colon and bladder more completely. She said the weight will actually aid in the healing process.
Well, it's been a year and 2 months since we were told she would only make it six, so for me, mom, family, friends and Tim & girls......what a blessing. None of us know from day to day when our number is up, but it seems we have all had enough of a blessing in Tami to appreciate, love and relish the time we have. Each minute is a precious gift that we might lift each other along this road of life. I have been lifted just by having the opportunity to share in her recovery, if only just a little bit. I hope many of you feel the same way.
We realize that many of you have paved your own road with struggles and tears....I guess it's just universal that we become lifted by the struggles of others. We hope that all is going well for you and I'll try to post when Tami may be going back to Boston to have that other surgery. We'd sure like to get her better for the holidays.
It's late, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would write a couple of things about Tami. The past couple of weeks seem better to me than the 2 before that. She has more good days than bad and she got on the scale today with all her clothes on of course and the scale read 100 lbs........We were excited although I think part of that is water weight from steroids, but what the heck.....it said 100 lbs. Mom and I were at her house for the bulk of the afternoon and she looked good and was up and moving about and eating. It just seemed good to see her thinking about a few other things than being sick. Tim and Tam were watching the American League final with Detroit (Tim's home town) and New York. Tim was excited that his team won. He was waiting for phone calls concerning some work applications he had submitted and he received 2 while we were there. Tim had made clam chowder and chicken and dumplings that we all shared. He's been good to Tami and worried and taken the care that she has needed, for that I am grateful. Mom made a fresh strawberry pie (Tami's favorite) while we were there and it was half gone by the time we left. (Of course we shared:)). We also shared some homemade bread that a friend had made, along with some fresh raspberry jam made by Abby. All in all it was a good day.
She still has some trouble and pain with all her tubing and can't wait for the time that she can have those removed and press forward to heal better. She hopes that can be done sometime in November, but that will be up to Dr. Lambert. She wanted Tami to weigh at least 105 before she thought of going in to fix her colon and bladder more completely. She said the weight will actually aid in the healing process.
Well, it's been a year and 2 months since we were told she would only make it six, so for me, mom, family, friends and Tim & girls......what a blessing. None of us know from day to day when our number is up, but it seems we have all had enough of a blessing in Tami to appreciate, love and relish the time we have. Each minute is a precious gift that we might lift each other along this road of life. I have been lifted just by having the opportunity to share in her recovery, if only just a little bit. I hope many of you feel the same way.
We realize that many of you have paved your own road with struggles and tears....I guess it's just universal that we become lifted by the struggles of others. We hope that all is going well for you and I'll try to post when Tami may be going back to Boston to have that other surgery. We'd sure like to get her better for the holidays.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Enjoying the Temple
Hi Everyone....
We got up at 5:00 this morning to make it to the temple. I kept praying in my heart that Tami would have the strength and stamina to do this. I was amazed as we all loaded in the car that she really was going. When we walked into the 1st room with Tami, Dr. Lambert had tears streaming down her eyes.....She said she was doing OK until Tami came in the room. Dr. Lambert had probably 20 people there to support her. John, the resident who impressed her and gave her a Book of Mormon while he served with her on a humanitarian mission to Haiti.....His wife and mom were also there. The two missionaries who baptized her, Nate and Natalie and his mom, Tami and Tim and Randy and I, a fellow she operated on 3 years ago with his family and some others I didn't know. It was really amazing to be there with her. Tami is still having some trouble with tubes.....If she can but endure until those can come out. What a day that will be. We hope all is well with everyone and Tim and Tami are continually being blessed by those who have helped them out during this difficult time. They know they are not alone and that so many others also need help, but they are thankful, none the less. Enoy this Autumn time and hug all those around you.
We got up at 5:00 this morning to make it to the temple. I kept praying in my heart that Tami would have the strength and stamina to do this. I was amazed as we all loaded in the car that she really was going. When we walked into the 1st room with Tami, Dr. Lambert had tears streaming down her eyes.....She said she was doing OK until Tami came in the room. Dr. Lambert had probably 20 people there to support her. John, the resident who impressed her and gave her a Book of Mormon while he served with her on a humanitarian mission to Haiti.....His wife and mom were also there. The two missionaries who baptized her, Nate and Natalie and his mom, Tami and Tim and Randy and I, a fellow she operated on 3 years ago with his family and some others I didn't know. It was really amazing to be there with her. Tami is still having some trouble with tubes.....If she can but endure until those can come out. What a day that will be. We hope all is well with everyone and Tim and Tami are continually being blessed by those who have helped them out during this difficult time. They know they are not alone and that so many others also need help, but they are thankful, none the less. Enoy this Autumn time and hug all those around you.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Marathon Milestone
Just a short update about our Tami......The past month has been up and down.....it seems mostly down for her but she has been planning to go to St. George to somehow get across the finish line at the marathon. We wrote letters and got special permission to use a wheelchair at the finish line and those who ran the race would help push her through.....Well.....She had two daughters run the race, also nephews, friends and supporters. They walked back to the aid station to pick up Tami and help her across. They just had to wait for out dear Madison and then I went back to find them and to get a couple of pictures.....Well, to my surprise, I couldn't find the wheelchair, but there was Tami.....jogging along slowly with a group of those who loved her. You have to understand that she has had very few days where she wasn't nauseated and to have 3 in a row as of today is just short of a miracle. Tomorrow Dr. Lambert goes throught the temple and as of tonight she is planning to go. Tami wanted to get the medal at the marathon that said "finisher". Because she had qualified for the marathon by finishing her other races and simply to have the realization that she could be there after all the problems she's had since last April. This is a real milestone for our Tami.....She wondered last year if the Lord would allow her to stay and live and run the race of life.....She ran over the finish line supported by many family and friends who love her and I think that is symbolic of the future for her.....Live and Love and Run!!!!
There are several small stories we'll try to include in the future.....
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I wish I could speed things up!!!
Hi Everyone......
There are a few who are out of state that would like to hear a bit more about Tami. Well, we wish things were better, but her tubes are still giving her trouble. The two kidney tubes have been blocked the past couple of days and so needless to say, she doesn't feel well. It's Sunday night and Tim is planning to take Tami to the hospital in the morning to see if they can unplug the tubes or if they need to be reinserted. She had a couple of good days last week but we're still not satisfied that she is healing well and gaining weight. Tami's hopes are still up, she's still fighting, we put her story into the marathon committee in St. George to see if she can be pushed during the marathon if she feels up to it, and all in all, we're all hoping and praying she'll recover.....In the meantime.....we just Fight to the Finish and smile all we can.
There are a few who are out of state that would like to hear a bit more about Tami. Well, we wish things were better, but her tubes are still giving her trouble. The two kidney tubes have been blocked the past couple of days and so needless to say, she doesn't feel well. It's Sunday night and Tim is planning to take Tami to the hospital in the morning to see if they can unplug the tubes or if they need to be reinserted. She had a couple of good days last week but we're still not satisfied that she is healing well and gaining weight. Tami's hopes are still up, she's still fighting, we put her story into the marathon committee in St. George to see if she can be pushed during the marathon if she feels up to it, and all in all, we're all hoping and praying she'll recover.....In the meantime.....we just Fight to the Finish and smile all we can.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Mind over Body??????
(You must realize that Tami's slooowww jog is not much more than a slow walk....and Dr. Lambert said Absloutely no running!!!!!!!)
Happy Sabath, Team,
It's coming up on one year since our sweet stage-4-fighter ran The St. George Marathon filled with little pacmen all in her abdomen. As October approaches (too quickly for those of us running...) Mom starts digging around in her closet for those good ol' running shoes.
By the time I woke up this morning, Mom had pulled Dad out of bed and they had been walking (Momma was running, that stinker!) the loop at the park. They made it a mile when Mom called it quits. Dad and Mom got home, Dad made us breakfast, and Momma slept. Later as Mom was getting ready, tears streamed down her little cheeks as she realized she wasn't going to be able to run this marathon. She explained how she feels like she was walking in somebody else's shoes today, and was sad to admit that they're her own. "I'm not as sad as I am humbled. You realize that your mind can go so much further than your body, but your body brings you back to reality."
On a happier note, Momma seems to be doing so much better! That "little flu bug" was no little bug at all, but a great big monster! Finally, however, it's passed. This weekend she's been up and running (literally, like I said,) helping Tiana with registration, and she not only watched the BYU-Utah game yesterday, she cheered...and later yelled and holled at the TV as Utah just barely won the game.
Mom, of course, doesn't feel "normal." She's struggling everyday with her Tami-attachments that she just isn't quite on board with yet, and she's frustrated that a year ago she ran 26.2 miles, and now she can hardly jog 1. We try telling her everyday how proud we are of her, but she struggles, as we all would. So please, Team, keep her in your prayers. We're not to the finish line yet, and we all need to keep fighting.
Always remember to F2TF. We love you Tyler, and we love you Momma. Keep up the good fight!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
A hard-fought week.....
Hi everyone......
A hard fought week for Tam......After her Anything For a Friend Outing Last Week, Tami had a set back and lost energy, had a fever, and was within hours of heading to the hospital on the advice of her surgeon when she started to rally just a bit. She's doing a bit better but still has a long way to go. For now she dodged the hospital but has a lot to deal with. She's just trying to get some energy to walk and feel like she's moving forward. Tami's fighting hard..........YES I CANNNNNNNN!!!
A hard fought week for Tam......After her Anything For a Friend Outing Last Week, Tami had a set back and lost energy, had a fever, and was within hours of heading to the hospital on the advice of her surgeon when she started to rally just a bit. She's doing a bit better but still has a long way to go. For now she dodged the hospital but has a lot to deal with. She's just trying to get some energy to walk and feel like she's moving forward. Tami's fighting hard..........YES I CANNNNNNNN!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
From Madison....A Big Thanks and Keep Fighting Momma
Hey Jude, I thought Id update the blog.
Hi Team,
First can I just send a great big thanks from the heart of my bottom (Oh, I mean...'scuse it.
) Like my momma said, we'll be forever indebted to amazing people like all of you who have given all you have to help such an amazing woman. Thank you! I'll never forget that beautiful September 8 rolling our mother in as cheers could be heard a mile away! I had worried for months that after all of our hard work, nobody would show up to see our sweet Tami, and my heart just melted as we rolled her in to open arms. Lots and lots of open arms.
I'm typing this at 7 pm, and Momma's still in bed. We tried to make the treck up to Logan today to see Tiana all grown up, but after Mom's shower today she was exhausted, and has been recooperating for the last seven hours. (It's okay Momma. We'll go another day.)
Her spirits seem to be getting higher and higher though, and her face lights up when a member of her family walks in the room (even if it's a practically-asleep-lighted-face) and she loves to hear us tell her about our updated lives.
I'm so thankful for that beautiful woman! I remember just a little over a year ago crying in her bed as visitors came in, tears rolling down their faces too. We thought we were losing our Momma, and we didn't know too much about fighting to the finish. But she's fought an amazng fight, and she's not done yet. None of us are done yet. I'm so thankful for her "stick-to-it-ive-ness," her example, and her love that is shared every single day. She truly is one of Heavenly Father's chosen ones.
Thank you for everything, Momma. Keep fighting!
Friday, September 7, 2012
First Day Home.....
Hi Everyone,
I thought I'd just update today.....Tami had a grueling day travelling yesterday and didn't arrive home until about 11:30 last night. I think she was just plum tuckered out and spent most of the day in bed. The whole trip zapped her energy...(Lana's too), but she was glad to be home with her family. Tim's sister Barb is also here, so that's a special treat for all of them. She came to support, "Anything For a Friend". Tami can't begin to thank all those who have been instrumental in AFAF and all the prayers and gifts and letters and......well.....just everything. She knows she will be forever in everyone's debt. As much as we all want to be by her side, she has also been warned to avoid hugs and touching and being around a lot of people because of her immune system and lack of strength. Her decision to come to the event tomorrow will depend on how she feels. If she has the strength and stamina, she'll be there. We'll wait and watch and see.................Well, we all hope for a long a good stay at home with lots of rest and food. Thanks again for prayers and thoughts of hope......
I thought I'd just update today.....Tami had a grueling day travelling yesterday and didn't arrive home until about 11:30 last night. I think she was just plum tuckered out and spent most of the day in bed. The whole trip zapped her energy...(Lana's too), but she was glad to be home with her family. Tim's sister Barb is also here, so that's a special treat for all of them. She came to support, "Anything For a Friend". Tami can't begin to thank all those who have been instrumental in AFAF and all the prayers and gifts and letters and......well.....just everything. She knows she will be forever in everyone's debt. As much as we all want to be by her side, she has also been warned to avoid hugs and touching and being around a lot of people because of her immune system and lack of strength. Her decision to come to the event tomorrow will depend on how she feels. If she has the strength and stamina, she'll be there. We'll wait and watch and see.................Well, we all hope for a long a good stay at home with lots of rest and food. Thanks again for prayers and thoughts of hope......
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tami's home! Come Celebrate with us on Saturday...
Tami comes home tonight to rest and recoup from major surgery. After many surgeries and follow up surgeries, the medical bills continue to mount.
Come support Tami and more importantly, show her how much she has brightened your life by joining in the festivities... Here is a schedule of events:
8:00 WSU Bell Tower: Same Day Race Registration
9:00 WSU Bell Tower: 5K race Begins
Breakfast Begins - Pancakes, Eggs, Ham, Hashbrowns, Fruit, and Drink
Other Activities:
Kids Game Corner - Popcorn, Games, Bouncy house, and more!
Superhero capes for sale!
Bake Sale you won't want to miss!
Live Auction - Awesome items for auction!
DJ and LIVE music
Celebration for Tami and Baloon Launch!
The event will be so much fun, and all for a great cause! Please join us by clicking on the link to pre-register for the race or for breakfast. If you can't pre-register, no worries.. Just meet us at the WSU Bell Tower at 8:00 for race registration or at 9:00 for breakfast. See you there!
Come support Tami and more importantly, show her how much she has brightened your life by joining in the festivities... Here is a schedule of events:
8:00 WSU Bell Tower: Same Day Race Registration
9:00 WSU Bell Tower: 5K race Begins
Breakfast Begins - Pancakes, Eggs, Ham, Hashbrowns, Fruit, and Drink
Other Activities:
Kids Game Corner - Popcorn, Games, Bouncy house, and more!
Superhero capes for sale!
Bake Sale you won't want to miss!
Live Auction - Awesome items for auction!
DJ and LIVE music
Celebration for Tami and Baloon Launch!
The event will be so much fun, and all for a great cause! Please join us by clicking on the link to pre-register for the race or for breakfast. If you can't pre-register, no worries.. Just meet us at the WSU Bell Tower at 8:00 for race registration or at 9:00 for breakfast. See you there!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Lana's Last Post.....we think
Hi everyone,
Another day. I'm getting tired of saying that, so you can imagine how Tami must feel. she is so ready to come home that I don't think it will matter what the doctor says at this point. And that scares me a little. She was very tired all day, which kept me a little concerned. She was trying to sort through all her paper work, which can be pretty stressful so I hope that's all it was. I cleaned and packed all day so we can go straight to the airport, from the doctors office (If all is well). Abby’s daughter, Amy is planning on taking us to the airport tomorrow, her and Kemper has been awesome to help out so much. Thank you. Abby’s mom, Bessie paid for my flight here and back because she knew how strapped I was. Thank you Bessie.
Everyone has been great, thank you, thank you, thank you.
This will probably be my last blog. I hope Tim or the girls will keep it up, because it’s been nice to hear how Tami has progressed. We have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to call it a night, and praying that we will see everyone at the event on Saturday.
love you all, Lana and Tami
Another day. I'm getting tired of saying that, so you can imagine how Tami must feel. she is so ready to come home that I don't think it will matter what the doctor says at this point. And that scares me a little. She was very tired all day, which kept me a little concerned. She was trying to sort through all her paper work, which can be pretty stressful so I hope that's all it was. I cleaned and packed all day so we can go straight to the airport, from the doctors office (If all is well). Abby’s daughter, Amy is planning on taking us to the airport tomorrow, her and Kemper has been awesome to help out so much. Thank you. Abby’s mom, Bessie paid for my flight here and back because she knew how strapped I was. Thank you Bessie.
Everyone has been great, thank you, thank you, thank you.
This will probably be my last blog. I hope Tim or the girls will keep it up, because it’s been nice to hear how Tami has progressed. We have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to call it a night, and praying that we will see everyone at the event on Saturday.
love you all, Lana and Tami
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
We think she's coming home for a visit!!!!
Hello everyone,
Well today is the day that we find out if our trip home is still a go. The morning was pretty nerve-racking wondering what the doctor would say or do. There is one tube that had to come out today before we could get the okay to come home. It did come out, but the doctor wants to check everything on Thursday morning to make sure everything is good. Talk about last minute plans. I hope everything is going to work for Tami to be able to come home, but if there is any question at all, we all know she would be better off in Doctor Lambert's care.
We were able to go to Savers today to buy a suitcase that can hold all Tami's medical supplies,and everthing she accumulated over three months. We'll be packing for a few days and I hope it won't be for nothing.
I hope everyone knows Tami has alot more healing to do, and if she is able to come home she will still need plenty of rest and lots of care. She appreciates everyones help and all your prayers.
Hugs and Kisses
Lana and Tami
Well today is the day that we find out if our trip home is still a go. The morning was pretty nerve-racking wondering what the doctor would say or do. There is one tube that had to come out today before we could get the okay to come home. It did come out, but the doctor wants to check everything on Thursday morning to make sure everything is good. Talk about last minute plans. I hope everything is going to work for Tami to be able to come home, but if there is any question at all, we all know she would be better off in Doctor Lambert's care.
We were able to go to Savers today to buy a suitcase that can hold all Tami's medical supplies,and everthing she accumulated over three months. We'll be packing for a few days and I hope it won't be for nothing.
I hope everyone knows Tami has alot more healing to do, and if she is able to come home she will still need plenty of rest and lots of care. She appreciates everyones help and all your prayers.
Hugs and Kisses
Lana and Tami
Monday, September 3, 2012
Going out again....but not pressing our luck
Hello again,
Well, can you believe another good day for Tami. Everything seems to be working well, and we even ventured out again. Of course we took it a little easier today than we did yesterday.We didn't want to press our luck. Tami has her appetite back and we're pretty excited about that. She's eating good sized meals every few hours, to try to get her strength back. I lost count of all the procedures and surgerys that she has had, but I really feel like this last surgery made it all come together. Tami feels like she may be able to make it to the event this weekend if she's careful and everything comes together just right. Our doctors appointment tomorrow will answer a lot of our questions and help us decide what we can do. Until then....
Well, can you believe another good day for Tami. Everything seems to be working well, and we even ventured out again. Of course we took it a little easier today than we did yesterday.We didn't want to press our luck. Tami has her appetite back and we're pretty excited about that. She's eating good sized meals every few hours, to try to get her strength back. I lost count of all the procedures and surgerys that she has had, but I really feel like this last surgery made it all come together. Tami feels like she may be able to make it to the event this weekend if she's careful and everything comes together just right. Our doctors appointment tomorrow will answer a lot of our questions and help us decide what we can do. Until then....
Thank you everyone for your continuing prayers
Love Lana and Tami
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Outside & for a little drive
Hello again everyone,
Another good day for Tami. She is still moving slow, but I think its just a matter of time before she is back to her old self. I did her hair today which always seems to perk her up a bit, and we took a drive,and did a little shopping. It felt good to be able to take her out and move around a little.
We were the only people at the lodge today,and it seemed a little strange. One of the residents was at the hospital all day, and the other ones went home for the weekend. I wish we were close enough to the lodge that we could pop home any time we wanted to. Most everyone I've met here,has been within a couple of hours from home. It was nice they could take a break between their doctor appointments.
We are still anxiously awaiting Tami's doctor appointment on Tuesday to help us decide if we will be able to bring her home for a few weeks. Tami would like to return home with me, but she does'nt want to push the doctor into anything that could cause more problems. She's just sick and tired of being sick and tired,so she doesn't want to take any chances.
Tami had to lay down for a while tonight because she said I fed her too much today. I guess I better slow down a little and take this a little slower. I just want her to get better, and I've always been a little impatient. I'll try to do better tomarrow.
I'm going to say goodnight now, and I hope everyone had a great weekend
Till tomorrow, sweet dreams.
Love Lana and Tami
Another good day for Tami. She is still moving slow, but I think its just a matter of time before she is back to her old self. I did her hair today which always seems to perk her up a bit, and we took a drive,and did a little shopping. It felt good to be able to take her out and move around a little.
We were the only people at the lodge today,and it seemed a little strange. One of the residents was at the hospital all day, and the other ones went home for the weekend. I wish we were close enough to the lodge that we could pop home any time we wanted to. Most everyone I've met here,has been within a couple of hours from home. It was nice they could take a break between their doctor appointments.
We are still anxiously awaiting Tami's doctor appointment on Tuesday to help us decide if we will be able to bring her home for a few weeks. Tami would like to return home with me, but she does'nt want to push the doctor into anything that could cause more problems. She's just sick and tired of being sick and tired,so she doesn't want to take any chances.
Tami had to lay down for a while tonight because she said I fed her too much today. I guess I better slow down a little and take this a little slower. I just want her to get better, and I've always been a little impatient. I'll try to do better tomarrow.
I'm going to say goodnight now, and I hope everyone had a great weekend
Till tomorrow, sweet dreams.
Love Lana and Tami
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Great Drains = Great Days
Hello friends and family,
Another day in Massachusetts, but it was a good day. Tami has all the right drains, doing all the right things, in all the right places, and she feels like a new woman. We took it easy today, sat on the front porch, did a little laundry and went for a walk to keep the blood flowing. It was a pretty uneventful day, but it felt good just
Another day in Massachusetts, but it was a good day. Tami has all the right drains, doing all the right things, in all the right places, and she feels like a new woman. We took it easy today, sat on the front porch, did a little laundry and went for a walk to keep the blood flowing. It was a pretty uneventful day, but it felt good just
to relax and watch Tami do so well.
A few days ago the manager of the Hope Lodge told us that the Cancer society was planning on opening a Hope Lodge in utah and thought Tami would do great helping out. What if Tami was brought to Worcester for that reason? I always felt that something drew her here, other than the fact that she has the best sugeon in the world here. Who knows, well I hope everyone had a great day. I'm going to cut it short and say good night.
Love Lana and Tami
Friday, August 31, 2012
One more surgical day
Hello again,
It's been a crazy day today. We did'nt have an appointment today for Tamis procedure, so I had to keep calling to check with the hospital,and when they finally did have us come in, they wanted us now. Well I think everyone knows Tami well enough, to know that isn't going to happen. Tami was still in bed and moving very slow, so the nurses "now" turned into an hour. They didn't turn us away so all
is well.
After the doctor came into talk with us and all the questions were being ask, we learned that this small procedure was going to be a lot bigger than we thought. Tami started reading the scriptures when she knew she had to wait a while, she said it gives her comfort. Doctor Lambert had one of the elders that worked at the hospital come to Tamis room and give her a blessing, I could tell she was a lot more relaxed after he left. We waited almost two hours in the prep room, and Tami knew all the doctors
and nurses names before she went in for her surgery. One of the nurses talked about her travels around the world, all centered around snow skiing. She had been to Utah a few times, and agreed with Tami that the snow in Utah cant be beat.
They took Tami in at 1:30 and didn't finish until 5:00. They had a few set backs, but the surgery went well. We were able to come back to the lodge tonight, but Tami was in a lot of pain so we stayed until 10:00 just so we could get a handle on it. We both feel like this surgery will be the one that will fix it all. A little time, and a lot more food to fatten her up, and I think we will have our Tami back home. Well its time to rest, its been a long day. Thanks again everyone for all your prayers.
Love Lana and Tami
It's been a crazy day today. We did'nt have an appointment today for Tamis procedure, so I had to keep calling to check with the hospital,and when they finally did have us come in, they wanted us now. Well I think everyone knows Tami well enough, to know that isn't going to happen. Tami was still in bed and moving very slow, so the nurses "now" turned into an hour. They didn't turn us away so all
is well.
After the doctor came into talk with us and all the questions were being ask, we learned that this small procedure was going to be a lot bigger than we thought. Tami started reading the scriptures when she knew she had to wait a while, she said it gives her comfort. Doctor Lambert had one of the elders that worked at the hospital come to Tamis room and give her a blessing, I could tell she was a lot more relaxed after he left. We waited almost two hours in the prep room, and Tami knew all the doctors
and nurses names before she went in for her surgery. One of the nurses talked about her travels around the world, all centered around snow skiing. She had been to Utah a few times, and agreed with Tami that the snow in Utah cant be beat.
They took Tami in at 1:30 and didn't finish until 5:00. They had a few set backs, but the surgery went well. We were able to come back to the lodge tonight, but Tami was in a lot of pain so we stayed until 10:00 just so we could get a handle on it. We both feel like this surgery will be the one that will fix it all. A little time, and a lot more food to fatten her up, and I think we will have our Tami back home. Well its time to rest, its been a long day. Thanks again everyone for all your prayers.
Love Lana and Tami
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Another Day Closer To Home
Hello everyone,
Up at 6:00 to get to our doctor appointment,Tami does'nt do well that early in
the morning, but we did'nt have a choice. Doctor Blute and Doctor Lambert was in the
office together deciding what would be the best thing to do to help Tami in her recovery,
since nothing else seems to be working. The bladder needs a complete recovery, and the
only way to do that is to drain the kidneys before it can reach it. Tomarrow they plan
on inserting drain tubes into her kidneys, and they said she could heal within a couple of weeks
if she kept eating well. They even mentioned a few weeks at home might do her good , if she felt
good enough. The procedure isn't suppose to be anything major, so they dont plan on keeping
her in the hospital. I think shes seen enough of the hospital for a while.
This afternoon Tami and I listened to some of the songs she would like to have played at
her big event on the 8th (anything for a friend) She knows her music and wants to share it with everyone.
We hope she will be able to be there, but if she cant, well be able to have her there through her music.
Tami was in heaven tonight, we got creative with the wok, and made a fry daddy out of it.
Hello French fries!!! took a walk this afternoon and relaxed the rest of the night. We ate until as
late as we could, because she cant have anything after midnight. They tell her to eat everything in
sight and they tell her to stop eating I wish they would make up their mind.....
Well another day gone and another day closer to home.
Have a good night everyone,
Love Tami and Lana
Up at 6:00 to get to our doctor appointment,Tami does'nt do well that early in
the morning, but we did'nt have a choice. Doctor Blute and Doctor Lambert was in the
office together deciding what would be the best thing to do to help Tami in her recovery,
since nothing else seems to be working. The bladder needs a complete recovery, and the
only way to do that is to drain the kidneys before it can reach it. Tomarrow they plan
on inserting drain tubes into her kidneys, and they said she could heal within a couple of weeks
if she kept eating well. They even mentioned a few weeks at home might do her good , if she felt
good enough. The procedure isn't suppose to be anything major, so they dont plan on keeping
her in the hospital. I think shes seen enough of the hospital for a while.
This afternoon Tami and I listened to some of the songs she would like to have played at
her big event on the 8th (anything for a friend) She knows her music and wants to share it with everyone.
We hope she will be able to be there, but if she cant, well be able to have her there through her music.
Tami was in heaven tonight, we got creative with the wok, and made a fry daddy out of it.
Hello French fries!!! took a walk this afternoon and relaxed the rest of the night. We ate until as
late as we could, because she cant have anything after midnight. They tell her to eat everything in
sight and they tell her to stop eating I wish they would make up their mind.....
Well another day gone and another day closer to home.
Have a good night everyone,
Love Tami and Lana
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A Feel Better Day
hello again,
Today has been pretty uneventful, the only time we left the lodge was to pick up perscriptions and to stop at wendys on the way back. The good news is that Tami has ate more today, and when your weight is below 90 pounds, that is a good thing. she seems alot more energetic today and she feels alot better, lets hope she stays that way. Her appointment with the urologist is in the morning at 8:30 . We're anxious to see him so he can tell us what our next move will be.
He will either be our best friend in the morning or a big monster, depending on what he tells us, we are hoping for a good report.
Judy got home safe and I hope I can do as well as she has, taking care of my little sister. Thank you jude for doing such a great job. You will be rewarded one day for all your kindness. Your'e a jewel jude.
Today has been pretty uneventful, the only time we left the lodge was to pick up perscriptions and to stop at wendys on the way back. The good news is that Tami has ate more today, and when your weight is below 90 pounds, that is a good thing. she seems alot more energetic today and she feels alot better, lets hope she stays that way. Her appointment with the urologist is in the morning at 8:30 . We're anxious to see him so he can tell us what our next move will be.
He will either be our best friend in the morning or a big monster, depending on what he tells us, we are hoping for a good report.
Judy got home safe and I hope I can do as well as she has, taking care of my little sister. Thank you jude for doing such a great job. You will be rewarded one day for all your kindness. Your'e a jewel jude.
Thank again everyone for your kindness and prayers
Love, Lana and Tami
P.S. I think one reason Tami felt a bit better today was that Lana, our amazing hairdresser sister, gave Tami a Perm and trimmed her hair......that always makes you feel better doesn't It?
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Changing of the Guard......again :)
Hi everyone, Lana here,
Well it's been a very eventful day for us here. Judy and I went to the hospital early so we could see Dr. Lambert and see how the cat scan went during the night.I still can't believe we had to admit Tami in the hospital just to have a cat scan. we are starting to feel like trained seals, jumping through all the hoops for the insurance company. and we wonder why our insurance payments are so high. what a waste. I guess when they did the cat scan early this morning,they didn't get the right pictures so they had to put Tami through it again. Dr. Lambert said she saw no cancer!!! (yeah) she said
everything looked good except the catheder was causing a little pressure because it needed to be adjusted. after the adjustments she started feeling great. they released her from the hospital just before Judy had to leave for the airport. I've enjoyed having Judy here with me for a couple of days.
Now that she is feeling a little better, we need to try and consentrate on putting some weight on Tami again.
I would love to get her home for the big event on the 8th of Sept. but only time will tell. we will keep working on it. We Love you all for helping us through this.
and thanks (Abbys mom) for getting me here to help my dear sister
God bless
Lana and Tami
Well it's been a very eventful day for us here. Judy and I went to the hospital early so we could see Dr. Lambert and see how the cat scan went during the night.I still can't believe we had to admit Tami in the hospital just to have a cat scan. we are starting to feel like trained seals, jumping through all the hoops for the insurance company. and we wonder why our insurance payments are so high. what a waste. I guess when they did the cat scan early this morning,they didn't get the right pictures so they had to put Tami through it again. Dr. Lambert said she saw no cancer!!! (yeah) she said
everything looked good except the catheder was causing a little pressure because it needed to be adjusted. after the adjustments she started feeling great. they released her from the hospital just before Judy had to leave for the airport. I've enjoyed having Judy here with me for a couple of days.
Now that she is feeling a little better, we need to try and consentrate on putting some weight on Tami again.
I would love to get her home for the big event on the 8th of Sept. but only time will tell. we will keep working on it. We Love you all for helping us through this.
and thanks (Abbys mom) for getting me here to help my dear sister
God bless
Lana and Tami
Monday, August 27, 2012
Tami's great Adventure......
Hi Everyone,
It's been an adventure today.....Tami slept in a little more today so I took Lana on a sight seeing trip.....so she could find the pharmacy, Elm Street, The Chinese Dynasty where I get Tami's Chinese Food and then to the Budget car rental so Lana could get her car.....A White Ford Fusion.....pretty classy I'd say....and Tami said, "That's cute, Lana." We had an appointment with Dr. Lambert at 1:00 and she seemed about as confused as we did.....that's why she ordered a CAT scan. We've always known that Tami's been a troublemaker....well we found out for sure today. Dr. Lambert said that Tami has had the most complications of any patient she has ever had.
Can you believe that.....well it's really true...we just shook our heads and felt bad for our Tami. We sat in the waiting room from 2 until 5 waiting for orders and made friends with lots of other patients. Cute little Christine is about 75 and had breast cancer 6 years ago......she comes every four months for check ups.....she was good to go for another 4 months and we got hugs from her.....she wished Tami well with a big hug. After visiting, Lana whipped out her cards, we pulled up a little table and played rummy for a couple of hours. We found out that Tami's insurance wouldn't pay for a CAT scan without a primary care physicain.....and since she doesn't have one here in Massachusetts.....she had to be admitted to the hospital to get the scan, just her luck....(Lana's words).....and her great adventure was a big ride in a white and red ambulance.....Lana and I scurried to the emergency room to document the ride with photos.....and then we found out that she sneaked in the back way....Can you believe that the insurance wouldn't pay without the ambulance ride
. One guy in the waiting room offered to give us a ride for half price......that was good of him, don't you think? Anyway, we're here in the hospital, it's 10:00 at night and Tami still has a while before she'll be going down for the scan.....needless to say, we'll find out nothing tonight.
I've so enjoyed being here and waiting on... and helping Tami.....we were in hopes of greater healing during these past 18 days, but Dr. Lambert says she's improving, so we'll be satisfied with that. I really appreciate those who have helped out at home and especially my dear husband for allowing me to leave for almost 3 weeks. Now Lana's great energy will lift Tami's spirits and we'll look forward to every word and bit of info she can provide.......And of course Tami's looking forward to getting her hair done by Her dear sister Lana.

Sunday, August 26, 2012
Faces that we Love
Hi Everyone.....
Tami & I got up early because we knew Lana was coming in.... Tami didn't turn out her light until at least 3:00 this morning so I knew she was tired......After we were up I decided that Lana would be at the airport so I grabbed my phone....It was then that I noticed that I had a text message from 5:30 this morning.....It said, "Missed my connecting Flight, won't be in until 9:30....I hollered at Tam in the bathroom, but it was too late....she was already in the shower so too late to go back to bed.
Tami said....that's okay, now I won't have to hurry so much. After breakfast we waited on the porch until we saw Abby's cute daughter Amy coming up Oak Street and delivering our dear Lana. Tami and I had commented about how we come over hundreds of miles, pass millions of people along the way, just to find that one face that we love and makes us smile. (And the faces are just regular old faces......nothing for the tabloids.....and we still adore them..(.I'm speaking of me Lana, not you
). Anyway, we were glad she made it. Amy came in and visited and stayed awhile....she got talking to the weekend manager, Charlene, about Prince Edward Island and had a rootbeer float. We were happy she stayed awhile, but I think we made her miss church.....sorry Amy
. We can't thank Amy enough for being our extra special taxi service with a smile and hug that saves the rest of us from cruising the unknown streets of Boston. Abby's girls have been life savers.

We took a walk around the block and showed Lana the interesting block we live on....Tami was slow and stopped to rest a couple of times but we all made it. We're grateful to Lana (and Bent) for sacrificing and those who helped her come out. We could only hope that Tami will be able to come home with Lana.....but all in due time. We're looking forward for tomorrow and any answers, but whether or not we get them is the other question.....Oh well, The race is not always to the swift....but to those who keep on running........we'll finish the race of life together....all of us arm in arm.

Love, Judy
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Bloom Where You're Planted........
Hi everyone.....
As I laid in bed this morning I tried to think of how any one of us would handle putting our life on hold, actually leaving everyone around us and going thousands of miles away to change our life with the hope of being able to add some years of health and vitality but knowing we would have to go through the depths of pain and suffering, (hell, so to speak) to come out ahead. I believe we don't know how strong we could be until we had to be strong......there really is no other choice, but "Give Up".
As Tami and I went on our walk, we entered a parking lot here on the side of the Lodge and as we were close to the dumpsters, we looked down and there was a pretty little petunia growing up through the crack in the blacktop. It had three bright pink blooms on it and it was thriving, bright and green and pink......Of course we thought of the old adage........"Bloom where you're planted" and in essence, that is what Tami is trying to do minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. The process is slow and hardly measureable, but I look at her and her struggle to bloom here and thrive and I'm really amazed at her heart and soul to press forward and do everything she can to improve. There are 9 bottles of medication by her bed, some on an "as needed" basis. I know that the side-effects can become a stress also, let alone dealing with a whole new set of plumbing. I don't believe any of us can comprehend the magnitude of the mountain she is climbing..Oh, she knows she is not climbing alone by any means......she has seen countless others climbing right here in the Lodge.....from the early twenties to the mid eighties....She knows they are climbing their individual mountains along side of her.....I think that is what makes it bearable....To not give up, try to lift the others that are struggling around you and hang on tight. I have seen that every day and the human spirit becomes stronger, more polished and more refined. Some of us get tired of the grind and normal living, while a young girl of 22 is hoping that by January she might be able to live a more normal life, because with leukemia, she can't do many things that are normal. We also know that everyone who is reading this climbs their own mountains every day.....just differently..... I hope we all can be more able to enjoy the "Normals" of life as we climb.....and "Bloom where we're Planted." (Didn't mean to be preachy by any means, just sharing the thoughts of my heart today.)
Love, Judy
Friday, August 24, 2012
A tiny bit better day
Hi friends and family.....
Another nice Massachusetts day.....We really have enjoyed the weather out here for the most part...Usually 79-85 with fairly high humidity, but this week the humidity levels have lowered and it's just pleasant. Tami sat on the side porch for a short time and commented on the nice breeze.......We talked to Dr. Lambert last night and told her Tami's drain tube she still has in since the operation was loose....Dr. Lambert wanted to see it so we went over again today. She had gained a little weight since Tuesday and her blood pressure, heart rate, etc. were better numbers so Dr. Lambert was happy with that. She did have to suture that drain tube back in and told us to keep our Monday appointment and we may be able to have her bladder test done that day. She has been in contact with Dr. Blute and he told her just to go ahead and order the test. Lana and I will go over with her and it would be so good to find out if everything is healing nicely .....(or otherwise......we don't want to think that though
) She would just like to get and stay on the right track.

After we got home from the Doctor this afternoon we took a longer walk.....she went faster and longer than the whole time I've been here...so that was encouraging. She was tuckered out when we got back,but that's okay. There is a small college here called Becker College and it is in the middle of a residential district and most of the dorm halls are old victorian homes like the Hope Lodge. We walked by several and noticed the college kids moving in for the semester. It almost looks like the college bought up all the buldings in a 3 to 4 block area.....really interesting to see. The Hope Lodge faces a beautiful old home, bigger than the Hope Lodge....It's Merrill Hall...we found out it's an upper class hall for the Becker Students.
Tami felt a little better today, but rest and down-time are still most important to her and it seems to ward off the sickness if she can lay down and stay still. She can't try to hurry, move too fast, spend too much time in a car, or stay down to visit very long with the managers or those staying here. Charlene, the weekend manager was excited to see Tami tonight. Everytime she's been here in the past couple of months, Tami has been in the hospital. She met Lana and Marsha and Abby and I enjoyed visiting with her for a few minutes after Tami went up to rest. Everyone has been so kind and of course, they all love Tami...even Charlene mentioned she'd like to donate jewelry she made for AFAF. Tami just has a gift with people that way.......Loving others is what the Savior asked us to do....Tami has that one down better than most......I guess we can all try harder in that area......patience, patience, patience.......I'll work on that too.

Love you all
Judy & Tami

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Mountains To Climb......
Hi Everyone and Happy Birthday to Myron and wonderful son Tanner
It's been a beautiful day again here in Worcester....We sat out on the porch this afternoon as the shadows were getting long and the breeze heavenly.... Tami said...."Close your eyes Jude and it almost sounds like we're at Fish Lake." The breeze through the leaves transported us there if only for a few moments before a big truck came down the road. We're at the end of a one-way street so traffic isn't heavy, so it's nice on the porch. Tami talked with Tiana at Utah State and I smiled as I heard all the motherly advice she was trying to get in. Tami stayed there as I drove up the street to get some Kung Pao Chicken again for her. She hasn't felt like doing much today and when I heard a knock on our door and Steve, the manager for today said that Tami had some visitors.....I wondered if she would be able to go downstairs. It was this morning when she was sleeping after breakfast. She told me it would make her sick to come down......so as I was down talking to some wonderful friends that had stopped by to visit......guess who came down the back stairs and sneaked slowly in......yup....Tami knew she would feel worse if she wasn't able to see them......Julie and Kevin came....they were here all though June when Tami was here alone before her surgery.....they were here after also.....you probably remember me telling about the beautiful crocheted handkerchief she made for Tami.....I was also lucky enough to meet them when I came back Kevin had a bone marrow transplant many months ago and they were here for some Dr. appointments and so they stopped by. It was good to see them and it made Tami smile.
The rest of the day she laid down and didn't feel well until she made herself get up for a walk and porch time. Tami also wanted to thank Madison for calling this morning and asking me to make sure her mom listened to Henry B. Eyring's Conference talk "Mountains to climb." That also lifted her spirits as she worked on her hair. Thoughts of Faith and Hope lift us as we contemplate the Savior, his suffering, his message of hope and realize that we all need more polishing.....In that case....Tami will become one of His brightest treasures. She also thought of the words.....All these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good. Thanks to all who attended the Anything for a Friend meeting and all those who are working on it.....It is far more than Tami could ever imagine and has humbled her to the very core...... Thanks again
Judy & Tami
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
How Can I Thank Them All??????
Hi Friends and Family.....
A beautiful day here in Worcester and Tami had a pretty good day....For some reason she's had a headache most of the day....probably just her body trying to regulate everything. We started early reading a few scriptures from Alma and talking about What Alma taught his 3 boys, Helaman, Shiblon and Corianton....and how he tried to help each one by telling them different things and teaching them what he felt like they individually needed. Then Tami fell asleep for another 45 minutes. We spent the day resting, preparing foods....(I made another batch of rice pudding this morning while she rested after breakfast.) She likes to have pudding for snack sometimes. We took a little walk up Cedar Street tonight and again marvelled at the huge old buildings and their decor.....these would really look out of place back home. One was a huge old brick building....(Tami and I commented on how it looked a little spooky) that houses the Children's Friend for abused children and across the street are more buuildings for family support and the children's Friend Cottage. Quite a comglomeration of architecture here.
Today we made decisions on Tami probably not coming home with me and arranging my flight plans and Lana's coming out next. Abby's dear mom wants to help with expenses for Lana's flight....Tami just can't hardly believe how generous and kind people have been.....and she says to me....."Judy, how will I ever thank everyone....I'll never be able to express my thanks enough." It's overwhelming to her because she would like to individually write to each and everyone....and how can she????
Lana will be here on Sunday and I"ll be coming home Tuesday....So Lana and I can catch up and clean and get her a car, etc. That will be good to have a couple of days of catch-up before I go. I really didn't want to leave her and she has tried to be so positive that she could come home with me.....but.....she simply doesn't have the strength and we really would like her to get rid of a couple of tubes before she comes back so there would be less chance of complications.....so maybe in a couple of weeks.....We hope...we hope....we hope....We made that decision after Dr. Lambert called and said she couldn't contact Dr. Blute today from Urology because he was in surgery all day.....we've just had a lot of unknowns so we made decisions with what we knew and how Tami felt today. Anyway....know we love and care for you all and thank the Lord for the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best people on earth.
Love, Judy and Tam
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Musings, Melancholy, and Hope
Hi Everyone....
We think a lot about those at home and we appreciate all the good that many are doing.....We also think about last year at this time. Tami had just been to see a cancer Dr. in Salt Lake and was about 3 weeks out of her surgery from home. I was in Southern Utah near Fish Lake Bow hunting with my sons Rick & Seth (and boys), Son-in-law Jonah and brother Van and his son Tyler. We had set up camp where our Dad and mom had camped many years ago when my kids were very small. Although to many, this sight may seem, "not out of the ordinary", to me and Tam....it holds years of memories of our wonderful Mom & Dad and spending time in those Southern Mountains. We love that spot, simply because the years of memories flood our minds at every turn. Anyway...Tami said she might surprise me and come down........Oh was I surprised and excited when she and Cali came around the bend and brought their tent.....Oh what a wonderful few days we had as we tracked deer, looked for arrowheads, made fries in the dutch oven around the fire, attended church in the Fish Lake Lodge and simply enjoyed every minute.....(and Tami was still holding her tummy and walking gingerly and sleeping in a sleeping bag.....can you believe it?)( She had to hold her tummy as we rode in the bumpy pick-up truck and we had to try to be careful for her)......Anyway, that's where we wanted to be again this year......but Boston is ok for right now. (Sorry about the melancholy)
Today we met with Dr. Lambert. Tami had eaten almost nothing in a 24 hour period. So Dr. LAmbert sent her to get an IV for fluids......that took over an hour but seemed to help her also. Her vital signs are all good and we're still waiting for an appointment to see the urologist so we can find some answers.....Dr. Lambert seemed encouraged, so we hope all is well. I guess her blood pressure was just a tad low and heart rate a tad high....so that's why the fluid. She would really like to come home for a while but that will be entirely up to the urologist......We're supposed to hear by tomorrow afternoon if we have an appointment this week. I'm trying to figure this all out because my two weeks are about up......If Tami could possibly come home, I could stay for a couple more days.....so we're just trying to figure the changing of the guard....Tami just has in her mind that he'll let her come home.....I hope she's right.....but we want to make sure and we want her to be safe.
We are grateful for the Hope Lodge that is run by donations from the American Cancer Society.....quite amazing and eye-opening to see what they do for people...They also have fund-raisers back here for the Lodge. Dave, the night manager who also has an apartment here in the Lodge had Brain Cancer over 20 years ago. He arranges a 24 hour skate-a-thon every year....I just talked to him and he was thanking donors and told me they made more money than last year, so that was neat. I can't imagine what we would have done without them.
Well......enough of my musings.....sorry so long.....but know we appreciate tonight all those who ordered and ate "MOR CHIKIN" and those who are just holding down the fort.......We love you
Judy and Tam
Monday, August 20, 2012
Monday, Monday
Happy Monday everyone.......
We hope your Monday was a good one, I wish ours would have been a little better.......Tami got up as usual and went down for breakfast and took her usual mornin' nap....but somewhere along the line after that she just didn't feel the best......I believe it has to do with her digestive system just being tired......so I guess we had 5 good days.....5 steps forward and a little step back. She wasn't nauseated, just that indigestion feeling all day.....so needless to say, she has stayed in bed the better part of the afternoon and evening. A restaurant delivered dinner tonight and me and the night manager were the only partakers in the kitchen tonight. There are more people coming this week but almost everyone has either gone home, doing better and left or still in the hospital.....so needless to say, As Tami and I took just a little walk out here in the upstairs lounge.....It's quiet as a mouse. I watched Tami as she slowly put one foot in front of the other to try to feel better. She had a little lunch...(more corn on the cob and 1/2 of a baked potato) We wonder if its all the corn she's had the last couple of days....Who knows, we keep trying to outguess her system........It's just we would like all the answers......(Isn't that just like a human....wanting all the answers right now)!!

The nurse came today and said all her vital signs are good.....so we'll just hope for a better day tomorrow. We hope to get some appointments with the urologist and some answers...but who knows......She has made great strides the past week so we won't complain.....we would just like to get her better and get her home.
I kept busy cleaning for a lady who had to take her sick mom home last night, Her mom was so sick with chemo from pancreatic cancer and she still had the room to clean, sheets to wash, fridge to clean out and cupboards to empty.....I told her I'd have time to do it today. It was a good distraction for me while Tami rested.
We'll keep up the good hope on this end if you'll do the same on your end......Have a good night
Sunday, August 19, 2012
We are blessed
Hi everyone:
This has been a wonderful Sabbath day and I asked Tami what she was thankful for this morning.....She said "Almost everything" And we talked about blessings and how we have so many. It was a good thought for a good day. Tami has had almost no nausea for 5 days now and she seems to be eating much better. Tonight Gulf Oil sponsored a dinner for us.....They came and cooked burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and brought Salad, watermelon, pineapple, Rolls, drinks, and Corn on the cob. Tami ate 3 half cobs......I couldn't believe it.....plus she ate other stuff too. Then we had an ice cream bar.....she started that but simply could not finish. They were pleasant people that were just good and uplifting. We totally enjoyed their cooking for us. They also cleaned up and left a little Gulf Oil bag.......kind of a humanitarian service they do and have been doing all summer to several cancer society lodges along the east coast. Amazing.
Tami received an e-mail today from her ward relief society that just made her day. Sister Hensley was the teacher and she took a movie of her Relief Society and sisters waving and Talking to Tami. Tami had me come over to see and then pointed to the women to tell me who they were. I heard her playing it several times with a smile on her face each time. There have been so many things and people who have done so much that Tami feels overwhelmed with gratitude and wondering how she'll ever be able to thank so many for soooooo much
. Tim also received a great outpouring of love at church today and the goodness of neighbors and friends continues to amaze them. Tami also appreciates the love of several who helped Tiana as she moved to Logan, those in her ward and Van's Tami, Brooke and Megan who helped so much before and yesterday also....All those acts of service do not go unnoticed.....they are a treasure to Tami here as she remains unable to do most of those things that a mother longs to do. It is humbling to accept so much from so many,,,,,from all of us who has tried to be self-sufficient and independent ......The Lord requires a humble people......we all seem to be humbled at one time or another.....I guess in our hearts we will always be thankful for the times we can give instead of the times we must receive. We hope your giving has been a blessing to you as it has been a blessing to us.
This has been a wonderful Sabbath day and I asked Tami what she was thankful for this morning.....She said "Almost everything" And we talked about blessings and how we have so many. It was a good thought for a good day. Tami has had almost no nausea for 5 days now and she seems to be eating much better. Tonight Gulf Oil sponsored a dinner for us.....They came and cooked burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and brought Salad, watermelon, pineapple, Rolls, drinks, and Corn on the cob. Tami ate 3 half cobs......I couldn't believe it.....plus she ate other stuff too. Then we had an ice cream bar.....she started that but simply could not finish. They were pleasant people that were just good and uplifting. We totally enjoyed their cooking for us. They also cleaned up and left a little Gulf Oil bag.......kind of a humanitarian service they do and have been doing all summer to several cancer society lodges along the east coast. Amazing.
Tami received an e-mail today from her ward relief society that just made her day. Sister Hensley was the teacher and she took a movie of her Relief Society and sisters waving and Talking to Tami. Tami had me come over to see and then pointed to the women to tell me who they were. I heard her playing it several times with a smile on her face each time. There have been so many things and people who have done so much that Tami feels overwhelmed with gratitude and wondering how she'll ever be able to thank so many for soooooo much
![&[] gift](http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo75.gif)
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Another day of healing.....we think
Happy Saturday Night:

Almost a carbon-copy 4 days now. One Exception......last night I was tuckered out by 11:30 and Tami still wanted to go down for cereal..... So just for this once, Tami said, "I can go down by myself, Jude." I told her I would go down, but she insisted that she felt good enough to go down alone.....So I went to bed and felt promptly asleep when I heard her return. About 2:30 I noticed her light was still on so I went in to go to the bathroom and sure enough, there she was, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.....laying down and reading the news on the computer......Sounds like the ole Tami doesn't it? So needless to say, I got going by 8:30 and was showered and ready before she woke up at 10:00. Of course, then it's immediately to breakfast and then she comes back up for another nap to help breakfast settle. Then the routine of her showering, etc...etc....
Tonight we took a leisurely walk up Elm street and admired the large old victorian buildings, and Church Diocese buildings....
We were amazed at the large trees, large homes and buildings and ornate fences and entrances to the buildings. A little bit like the Avenues in Salt Lake but much older buildings. We sat on the porch for a few minutes and enjoyed the cool air before we came in to cook Jumbalaya with Brats.....(That's what she wanted so I made it????) It was good....She says Tim makes it all the time.
Anyway.....Another good day overall.....but still concerned about tubings and drainage.....with no answers forthcoming at least until Tuesday and then hopefully we can get an appointment to see Dr. Bloot(Sp) who is the urologist......we just would like to have some answers about her recovery and if she should come home or have to wait..........
Tiana got launched with sisters in Tow and Tim helping them get cars ready and holding down the fort.....Tiana also received a care package from a sweet neighbor....Tiana said she almost cried and Tami did cry.......Such is the thoughfulness of one who cares.
As Tim said today....I can't answer any questions, I'm just trying to do the best I can.....Aren't we all? We'll just keep working on that.....Thanks for your prayers, Love and conern.....
Friday, August 17, 2012
Three pretty DARN GOOD DAYS!
Hi Team Tami....
Another day of up......3 days in a row......don't get me wrong, she's not doing somersaults, but she hasn't been nauseated for several hours at a time....I've seen her go from needing help upstairs when I came (Everytime) to manuvering the stairs by herself (gingerly) all the time. She's kept ahead of the nausea most of the time and is eating more at a time. Her biggest problem right now is the tubes. If we just knew she could get rid of those and have no problem I believe she could come home. We think she can meet with the urologist next week but Dr. Lambert hasn't set that up yet......so there are too many questions and not enough answers to know for sure. All I know is she is a lot better than when I got here...(at least for today) (Thanks to Abby and Amy for doing their jobs very well.).

When I moved us, she was in bed all day.....so I just packed up everything because I couldn't ask her too many questions, Well, today we started to organize those boxes just a bit and Tami feels better now she knows where her treasures are.....and plane tickets, etc. She got right down on her knees to look in her suitcase and paperwork.....I was tickled to see her so engaged in a project instead of just trying to hang on to dear life.....I imagine all of us can remember being sick enough to not care what's going on around us.....So to see her interested in a few things and talking to her family a little more.....that's all good. Tami says she feels likes she's coming out of an "Empty Stare" where all is oblivious around you because you're so far gone on meds, sickness and overall malaise. Her demeaner is brighter, smile on more, and inner soul more alive. She's not all well, but farther along the road of recovery that she has been.
It's thundering and lightening again....we just came up from the kitchen......Tami likes to open the windows down there so she can hear the thunder and rain......It's soothing to the brain I believe.

I went on a couple of errands today but Tami decided to stay home and take it easy for her healing. We're trying to do that for the next 2 or 3 days.....just to see if it might help.....Anything to get better she says.
Well, goodnight to you all....do we dare hope for 4 days in a row.....I think so. We also hope and pray that all is ok at home. Tiana is leaving for Logan tomorrow for school and Tami feels bad that she's not there to get Tiana some new towels, sheets, you know, the stuff you take up for your new room. But she told Tiana that she'll be home before too long so she can be a mom again. We'll just thank the Lord for our blessings tonight and say a prayer for all we love.
Love, Judy
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