Hi Again....
Tami had a good day, she said,"You'd been proud of me this morning....I'm always thankful when I feel good and today's one of those days....A Feel Good Kind of Day..." She said the financial counselor was only going to work until noon so she said "I high-tailed it up to the hospital at 10:00 Mass Time....that's 8:00 Utah time.....I'm turning into a lil morning lark....A Roo-ster here in Woo-Sta..."
She was quite colorful with her words
She told us that things look like they may be getting set as far as Massachusetts goes but Dr. Lambert probably couldn't operate until the last week of June.....Anyway she wishes it was sooner but she said "I'm turning into a "Doubting Tami" and I'll have to see it to believe it. The Dr. also told her "I've never quite seen anything like what you've experienced."
She says she feels better being there in Massachusetts because she feels like things are moving along and she's not just spinning her wheels. She says she misses her family but I think she feels the need to move on and get this "Big Monster" out of the way so she feels like she might be of good to her family and everyone....she feels like she's no good to anyone right now....just basically hanging on and enduring. The AFAF meeting was good tonight and we all need to move forward and do the best we can.
They moved her to the upstairs room in the Hope Lodge to make room for a bigger family but she said she loved it up there in her cozy room....Her last words were, "Well, getting ready for the big play-off game...I think Miami is going down, just like the Spurs last night. Better hit the hay...Hey maybe I'll hear our "lil bird chirpin up in that room...or singing...In the Leafy Tree Tops the Birds sings Good Morning....I'll wake early and listen...you sneaky 'lil................... That's our Tami....we Love her
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