Team Tami

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tami's Picture

Team Tami,

Tim was unable to add Tami's photo, so he asked if I would add it. Doesn't she look awesome? I heard they had to tie her down because she started lacing up her running shoes and was going to walk right out of there...(just kidding)

Hey, While I have your attention, I also want to let you know that you can now pre-register for the "YES, I CAN" 5K run and breakfast on September 8th to support Tami and the family.  The event will be held at Weber State University - and we are going to have a lot of fun celebrating Tami and her recovery! Check out the "Register Now" link as well as more details about the event at Tami's Anything for a Friend page.

Thanks Tim for the timely updates!  We really appreciate them!


1 comment:

  1. So nice to meet your family on Sunday. Wish it could have been under different circumstances. This picture of Tami is great! It is hard to believe she just had surgery. With Dr. Lambert, she is in the best hands!

    We are leaving to head back to Florida tomorrow. We want to get back before July 4th traffic. It has been great to follow Tami's progress and will do so again when I return home. I would like to send a card, so please post an address when you have one.

    Much love,

    Carol and George Durgin
    Punta Gorda, FL
