Team Tami

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear Team......I was hoping we wouldn't have to write this blog.....but things have gone so well..... and now comes some more struggles......Lana has told me that Tami has had a bit of pain the last couple of days but they thought it was just surgery pain....but at her Dr's appointment today they tested secretion fluids and did a scan and determined that she has a perforated bowel......We won't know the origin of it until we talk to Lana after Surgery....or until Dr. Lambert speaks to Tim tonight.  I imagine they'll begin surgery between 10 and 11 tonight Boston time, Dr. Lambert was waiting for the other surgeon to get there and then they'll begin.  Dr. Lambert told Tim that they expect the surgery to last approx. 4 hours. I spoke with Both Tami and Lana and neither one of them wanted to talk about it, but there was some repair work that needed doing.  Tami seemed matter of fact and resigned to accept what was before her.  I think both Lana and Tami were trying to be strong for each other.  My heart is pounding, mom is trying to sing hymns to feel better and we're all just heartsick......We know she's in the Lord's hands and we hope and pray for the best.....We'll keep you updated as we get info from Tim or Lana......Let's keep up the good hope that all will go as it should.
Love you all

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