Subject: Tami
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 17:37:36 -0600

July 11

   Yeah!! We're out of the hospital, and Tami is doing great.  The doctor released her at 8:30, and we did'nt get to the lodge until 3:00,
so it's been a pretty exausting day. Tami is getting to know the new residents here, and already making new friends,but it would'nt be Tami if she was'nt.
    Tami is listening to her body and being very careful not to over do it .I know thats hard for her but she is doing great.
Before we left the hospital,the nurse had to give her 3 immunizations,  phnemonia, tetnus, and menangitis. Without a spleenshe has to have them.
    Its still baby steps for now , and alot of Dr. appointments. But I don't think it will be long before we see my beautiful little
Tami back to normal.
    We love you all,
  Tami and Lana