Team Tami

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday July 22, 2012
Hi everybody, and Happy Birthday Mom.
It's been a busy day. I got up and got ready for church and then ran to the hospital to visit Tami before church started.  She was eating breakfast.  She seems to be able to eat quite well but just can't eat a full meal. She can only hold about half or less.  But at least she has an appetite.  She said she made it through the whole night without any pain killers and was still okay when she woke up. That surprised me because we've been so careful to make sure she gets her pills every three hours so that the pain won't come back too strong. Anyway that was a good sign to me.  When I left the hospital at noon she was really tired so I just let her sleep.  I guess she slept until 2:30 so she got a good nap.
I went to church with Nate and Natalie. We sat by Dr. Lambert and she visited with us quite a bit.  Dr. Lambert gave the Relief Society lesson and did a wonderful job.  Everybody at church was asking me about Tami and told me they just love her.  They wondered if Tami would mind if they took the sacrament to the hospital for her. I told them I thought she would love that.  
When I went back to the hospital they were wheeling Tami out to have a CT scan. I guess they want to see the trail her liquids are taking and to make sure everything looks good.  We still havent got any results from that test.  They said it might be tomorrow morning before we find out anything. 
The full time missionaries and the Gospel Doctrine teacher (I forgot his name) came to see her while she was gone so we visited for about half an hour while we waited for her. Then she came back and was happy to see them all. They had a good visit.  After they left, she ate her dinner and we went for another walk.  She was exhausted after that so I got her settled in and let her go back to sleep. 
Tomorrow the Urologist will check her out and we'll find out the results of her CT scan too.  It should be an eventful day. 
Nate has a Doctor's appointment tomorrow and is hoping to go home soon. We're praying for him too.  Nate stayed to all three meetings today and felt pretty good so hopefully he can return home before too long.
Well another day has come and gone.  It was mother's birthday today and she had a big shindig without me and Tami.  It sounds like there was a huge turnout for the celebration. Wish we could have been there.  Happy 86th Birthday Mother. We love you.
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