Team Tami

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy Sunday everyone.......It is for Tami and Lana too......Lana said she didn't write anything yesterday because "Tami rested all freakin day" (Lana's words, cute huh?)  Lana called this morning, I told her I sure look forward to seeing her name on the caller I D, anyway, her first words were,"Judy, she looks so good.....she's putting on her makeup and she looks wonderful"......That sounds good to us too.  Then she handed Tami the phone.....Tami doesn't like to talk too much on the phone but I could tell through the rasp in her voice that a smile was there.  She still has the NG tube in her nose......a good explanation of that is on Nathan's blog..( is a nurse so she explains it very well......You'll remember that Nathan is from Farmington and had his surgery 1 week before Tami.....We have been comforted to share in this journey with Nate and Natalie....I read their blog daily and we too hope and pray they can get home to their family soon.  Lana took Natalie back to the Hope Lodge last night and again this morning back to the hospital....It saves Natalie parking money every day which adds up.  Natalie was with Lana when Tami had her last surgery....they were both sleeping at 3:00 AM when Dr. Lambert came in.....Lana says Natalie wakes up faster than her so Dr. Lambert may not have been able to wake Lana (HA HA).  Natalie told Lana about ordering chloresceptic(sp)....and that has helped to ease Tami's throat pain and moisten her mouth.  Tami said her pain level is a 3 or 4.  She is on a constant drip for pain meds and then she can push the button for an extra boost every 6 mimutes.  Lana asked Tami is she had been pushing the button because Tami was applying make-up and may have forgotten.....Lana works hard to keep Tami on her toes(well....I guess her back) but all in all they're doing well.  Tami can have no ice chips, only a swab for her mouth.  Nate and Tami were next door to each other in the ICU but he was finally moved to the oncology floor.....that will be Tami's next step.  All in all we're grateful for the care she is receiving......Dr. Lambert told Tim that sometimes you have to turn everything on before you can find the leaks.....both Nate and Tami had leaks which she says is unusual.......we're just happy she found the leaks and plugged them up.  Well have a great Sabbath day and enjoy that food and water you put in your mouth because some can't have any:)

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